Cambridge IELTS 16 (Academic)

Test 1

Why we need to protect polar bears

Why we need to protect polar bears

Polar bears are being increasingly threatened by the effects of climate change, but their disappearance could have far-reaching consequences.

The Step Pyramid of Djoser

The Step Pyramid of Djoser

The pyramids are the most famous monuments of ancient Egypt and still hold enormous interest for people in the present day.

The future of work

The future of work

According to a leading business consultancy, 3-14% of the global workforce will need to switch to a different occupation within the next 10-15 years, and all workers will need to adapt as their ...

Test 2

The White Horse of Uffington

The White Horse of Uffington

The cutting of huge figures or ‘geoglyphs’ into the earth of English hillsides has taken place for more than 3,000 years.

I contain multitudes

I contain multitudes

Wendy Moore reviews Ed Yong’s book about microbes

How to make wise decisions

How to make wise decisions

Across cultures, wisdom has been considered one of the most revered human qualities.

Test 3

Roman shipbuilding and navigation

Roman shipbuilding and navigation

Shipbuilding today is based on science and ships are built using computers and sophisticated tools.

Climate change reveals ancient artefacts in Norway’s glaciers

Climate change reveals ancient artefacts in Norway’s glaciers

Well above the treeline in Norway’s highest mountains, ancient fields of ice are shrinking as Earth’s climate warms.

Plant ‘thermometer’ triggers springtime growth by measuring night-time heat

Plant ‘thermometer’ triggers springtime growth by measuring night-time heat

Plant ‘thermometer’ triggers springtime growth by measuring night-time heat

Test 4

Roman tunnels

Roman tunnels

The Romans, who once controlled areas of Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor, adopted the construction techniques of other civilizations to build tunnels in their territories

Changes in reading habits

Changes in reading habits

What are the implications of the way we read today?

Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence

Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) can already predict the future.