GRE Argument Topic 4

GRE Argument Topic 4


The following appeared in a letter from a homeowner to a friend.

"Of the two leading real estate firms in our town — Adams Realty and Fitch Realty — Adams Realty is clearly superior. Adams has 40 real estate agents; in contrast, Fitch has 25, many of whom work only part-time. Moreover, Adams' revenue last year was twice as high as that of Fitch and included home sales that averaged $168,000, compared to Fitch's $144,000. Homes listed with Adams sell faster as well: ten years ago I listed my home with Fitch, and it took more than four months to sell; last year, when I sold another home, I listed it with Adams, and it took only one month. Thus, if you want to sell your home quickly and at a good price, you should use Adams Realty."

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

موارد زیر در نامه ای از یک صاحبخانه به یکی از دوستان خود آمده است. "از دو شرکت پیشرو املاک و مستغلات در شهر ما به نامهای Adams Realty و Fitch Realty، آدامز ریلیتی به وضوح برتر است. آدامز 40 مشاور املاک  دارد؛ در مقابل، فیچ 25 مشاور دارد که بسیاری از آنها فقط به صورت نیمه وقت کار می کنند. علاوه بر این، درآمد سال گذشته آدامز دو برابر درآمد فیچ بود و شامل فروش خانه هایی به ارزش به طور متوسط 168000 دلار در مقایسه با 144000 دلار برای فیچ بود. خانه های ذکر شده در آدامز نیز سریعتر به فروش می رسند: ده سال پیش من خانه خود را به فیچ برای فروش سپردم و بیش از چهار ماه طول کشید تا فروش رود، سال گذشته، وقتی خانه دیگری را فروختم، آن را به آدامز سپردم و فقط یک ماه طول کشید. بنابراین، اگر می خواهید خانه خود را به سرعت و با قیمت مناسب بفروشید، باید از Adams Realty استفاده کنید."
پاسخی بنویسید که در آن مفروضات بیان شده و / یا بیان نشده بحث را بررسی می کنید. حتماً توضیح دهید که چگونه بحث به این مفروضات بستگی دارد و در صورت غیرموجه بودن فرضیات، چه دلایلی برای بحث وجود دارد.

•    مشاورین املاک در هر معامله ای از هر ۲ طرف کمیسیون دریافت میکنند. مشخص نیست که کمیسیون فروشنده و خریدار در این آژانس های املاک چگونه است. شاید در آژانس Adams کمیسیون بیشتری از خریدار گرفته شود و کمیسیون کمتری از فروشنده و شاید برابر.
•    ضمنا شاید درصد کمیسیون معامله (در هر دو طرف فروشنده و خریدار و یا یکی از آنها) در آژانس Adams بیشتر از آژانس Fitch باشد.
•    از طرفی درآمد اژانس Adams در سال گذشته ۲ برابر رقیبش بوده است ولی مشخص نیست امسال هم همان شرایط را داشته باشد.
•    ضمنا درآمد یک سال مبنای خوبی برای محاسبه نیست و باید روند درآمدی در طی سال ها و ماه های گذشته بررسی شود.
•    درآمد ها این آژانس ها فقط از طریق خرید و فروش خانه نیست و منابع درآمدی دیگری مانند اجاره دادن و یا مشارکت در ساخت و بازسازی هم در سود سالانه تاثیر دارد. باید مشخص شود وضعیت مقایسه ای برای منابع درآمدی در عواملی غیر از عامل فروش چگونه است. شاید عوامل دیگر باعث سود بیشتر گردیده اند.
•    بر مبنای نظر این فرد، دلیل فروش سریع خانه این فرد در سال گذشته و فروش با ۴ ماه تاخیر در ۱۰ سال گذشته فقط کیفیت این آژانس ها بوده است ولی باید در نظر داشت عوامل دیگر مانند کیفیت خانه، قیمت و شرایط بازار و قدرت خرید بر فروش سریعتر خانه تاثیر گذار است.
•    فرد دلایلی برای فروش خانه به قیمت بیشتر بیان نمیکند ولی به دوستش توصیه میکند که اگر با میخواهی با قیمت خوبی خانه خود را بفروشی از آژانس Adams استفاده کن که این موضوع مبنایی ندارد.
•    پاره وقت و نیمه وقت بودن کارمندان دلیل بر بهتر و سودمند تر بودن نیست و در بعضی مواقع پاره وقت بودن حتی بهتر نیز هست و راندمان کارکنان را بالاتر می برد. ضمنا تمام کارکنان آژانس Fitch نیمه وقت نیستند.
•    از طرفی احتمالا کارمندان تمام وقت آژانس Adams حقوق ثابت بیشتری نسبت به آژانس Fitch در یافت میکنند.
•    تجربه فرد از اژانس Fitch مربوط به ۱۰ سال پیش است و شاید در این مدت تغییراتی بسیاری در این شرکت رخ داده باشد و خانه ها زودتر به فروش برسند.
•    لزوما آژانس املاک کار تیمی و گروهی نیست. شاید ۱۰ سال پیش یک کارمند نامناسب مامور فروش خانه این فرد شده باشد و سال پیش یه کارمند حرفه ای خانه این فرد را فروخته باشد.


The writer tells his friend that he should use Adams Realty if he wants to sell his house quickly and at a great price. He claims that Adams Realty is superior to Fitch Realty.
You are instructed to create a response in which you examine the explicitly stated assumptions and the implied assumptions of the argument and tell how the argument's validity relies on these assumptions. You must also explain how the argument would be affected if any or all of the assumptions prove incorrect.

a) The assumption that more agents create a better real estate business underlies the claim that Adams Realty had twice as much revenue last year as did Fitch Realty.
b) The assumption that full-time agents are better than part-time agents also supports the claim that Adams Realty had greater revenues.
c) There is the implied assumption that the housing market is the same today as it was ten years ago. The writer creates this assumption by contrasting his own experiences with selling his homes.
d) Also implied is that the real estate companies have made no changes in their businesses, also supported by the writer's contrasting his experiences.
e) The assumption that the writer sold two virtually identical homes underlies the claim that his current sale occurred more quickly and at a better price.
Your notes do not have to be exhaustive. As you begin to write your essay, your brain will generate new ideas. Make certain that you keep the directions in mind as you develop your ideas.

Sample 1:

The author of this argument has experience using two local real estate agencies to sell his two homes in a period of ten years. On the surface, his recommendation to his friend must carry some weight. However, he has overlooked some important information while making his assumptions about the effectiveness of Adams Realty being superior to that of Fitch Realty. To accept the author's argument, the reader needs more substantial reasons to accept the assumptions.

The author would have us believe that a bigger real estate agency is better than a smaller one as he reports the number of agents working at each agency and that Fitch Realty has many part-time agents. Based on that information, the reader assumes that all or most of Adams Realty agents work full time. Additionally, there is the assumption that full-time employees are more productive or effective as realtors than part-time employees. Should we find that is not the case, the assumption would prove false.

The author would also have his friend believe that Adams Realty secures higher prices than Fitch Realty for the homes they sell based on the average price each company reveals. There are several weaknesses inherent in this assumption. An average is derived from totaling the amount that each house sold for and dividing the total by the number of units sold. It could very well be that Fitch Realty sold several houses at a very high price and several houses for very low prices, whereas Adams Realty could have sold most of its inventory at very similar prices. Houses have appraised values; there is no evidence that one or the other of the real estate companies is better than the other at selling houses at or close to their appraised values. The author also fails to reveal whether the clients of each company were happy with the service and/or prices they received for their homes.

An implied assumption in this letter is that the real estate market has not changed in the intervening ten years since the author sold his first home. The reader must also assume that the two real estate agencies have not undergone any changes. They must have the same agents and marketing strategies that they employed ten years ago. Considering what has happened to the housing market in the last few years, as well as economic trends such as inflation and social trends such as gentrification, it is unlikely that either or both agencies has not altered its approach to the sale of houses.

Virtually all business is predicated on the law of supply and demand. Ten years ago, the writer's house may not have been in high demand. There may have been glut of houses just like his on the market and very little demand for that type of house. In the current market, the type of house that he sold may be very popular with plenty of potential customers seeking the features that his house had. There is no guarantee that the writer's friend will have the same experience either with Adams Realty or getting a fast sale and a high price for his home.


Sample 2:

In this argument, the author recommends us to use Adams, one of the two leading real estate firms in his town. As per him, Adams is much better than Fitch Realty, the other leading real estate firm in the town. He has supported his argument by comparing some aspects of the two firms to convince us like Adams Realty has more real estate agents, more revenue, and it is more efficient in selling houses than Fitch on the basis of his own experience ten years ago. However, this argument seems specious on several grounds.

In the first place, the author’s assumption that having more agents means good service is unconvincing. According to him, Adams’ service is better than Fitch’s because it has 40 real estate agents while Fitch has only 25. However, he has nowhere mentioned the qualifications of agents in the two firms. It might be that the agents in Fitch are more qualified, trained, and experienced. Hence, it does not require more agents and the agents do not need to work full time. Anyways, the quality of the service cannot be related to only a factor of the number of employees. There are many other things that should be taken into consideration, such as social reputation of the company, the feedbacks of customers and the company’s work culture to avoid making the assertion too unwarranted.

The second point that the author has raised is that Adams’ revenue last year was twice as high as that of Fitch. This data is not very clear. The author has not mentioned the service charges of the two companies. There is a possibility of Adam’s charges being much more than those of Fitch’s. It might be the adequate reason for the gap in revenue of both the firms. There is also another possibility that Adams sells only high priced houses or some particular type of houses, which brings more income. Hence, the argument cannot be concluded without all this information.

Lastly, the author cites that Fitch sells homes slower than Adams does. He has given a ten years old example of his own experience. According to the arguer’s narrative, he entrusted his home to Fitch ten years ago and it took four months to sell his house. While when he registered his another house with Adams, it sold his house in one month. However, the author has not mentioned the location, condition, area, material used and size of the two houses. There is a high possibility that the new house was easier to sell because of its good location or good condition. Moreover, during a long span of ten years, the situation varies significantly in many aspects, for instance, the changes in the real estate domain, the changes of the society that lead to the differences in the demand of houses and the inflation. Under this circumstance, Adams’ success, however, is merely ordinary. The author has concluded the argument too hastily without considering all these possibilities.

Hence, the argument seems very unconvincing. The evidence produced by the author to assess the two real estate firms like only the number of agents and the revenue is not sufficient. The author should have considered many other factors such as the efficiency of employees, their familiarities to the real estate market etc.

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