GRE Issue Topic 59

GRE Issue Topic 59


People should undertake risky action only after they have carefully considered its consequences.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

افراد باید پس از بررسی دقیق عواقب، مسئولیت اقدام خطرناک خود را بر عهده گیرند.

پاسخی بنویسید که در آن درمورد موافقت یا مخالفت با این جمله بحث کنید و استدلال خود را درباره موضع گیری خود توضیح دهید. در توسعه و حمایت از موضع خود، باید شرایط خاصی را توضیح دهید که در آن، پذیرفتن این توصیه ممکن است مفید باشد یا نباشد و توضیح دهید که این مثال ها چگونه موضع شما را شکل می دهند.


  • برعهده گرفتن کارهای مخاطره آمیز و ریسکی برای برخی از انسانها که ریسک پذیر هستند چندان دشوار نیست. بنابراین آنها می توانند برای برخی از مشاغل مثل آتش‌نشانی داوطلب شوند. هر چند آنها از پیامدهای منفی که ممکن است در این کار وجود داشته باشد باخبرند اما این پیامدها را می پذیرند و ریسک می‌کنند.
  • در برخی زمینه‌ها مثل پژوهش ها و تحقیقات در زمینه های جدید، ریسک پذیر بودن، صرف نظر از پیامدی که این کار دارد، ضروری است. به عنوان مثال، ماری کوری (Marie Curie) با اینکه می دانست تحقیقات او ممکن است پیامدهای بسیار مخاطره آمیز برای سلامتش داشته باشد اما باز هم اقدام به کشف اورانیوم کرد. اگر او چنین ریسکی را نمی پذیرفت، این عنصر نیز کشف نمی شد.
  • گاهی اوقات نمی توان پیامدها و خطراتی که یک تصمیم به بار خواهد آورد را از قبل پیش بینی کرد و افراد مجبورند که انجام این کار را بپذیرند و در نهایت با پیامدهای آن نیز مواجه شوند. به عنوان مثال، زمانی که کریستوف کلمب (Christopher Columbus) تصمیم گرفت قاره جدیدی را کشف کند و با کشتی وارد دریا شد، نمی دانست که در آینده آیا موفق خواهد شد و یا خطرات پیش روی او برایش مخاطره‌آمیز خواهند بود، اما اگر این ریسک را نمی‌پذیرفت، قاره آمریکا را کشف نمی کرد.
  • مثال های زیادی در تاریخ وجود دارد که بسیاری از بزرگان ریسک های مخاطره آمیز را در زندگی پذیرفتند تا به نتایج فوق‌العاده‌ای دست پیدا کنند و نام آنها نیز در تاریخ، به علت اینکه با وجود پیامدهایی که که در انتظار آنها بود، ریسک کردند و خودشان را به خطر انداختند تا مردم را آگاه کنند یا نجات بدهند، جاودانه شد. از جمله این افراد می توان به مهاتما گاندی (Mahatma Gandhi) یا مارتین لوتر کینگ (Martin Luther King) اشاره کرد
  • افرادی که اهداف مقدس و خاصی را دنبال می‌کنند از ریسک کردن برای رسیدن به نتیجه نمی هراسند. این رفتار در افراد با ایمان و معتقد که دارای اعتقادات مذهبی بسیار قوی هستند، بیشتر دیده می‌شود. مثلا افرادی هستند که حاضرند جان خودشان را برای نجات جان دیگری به خطر بیاندازند و معتقدند که حتی مرگ آنها ارزش حفظ جان سایرین را خواهد داشت.


  • اگر بدانیم که نتیجه یک کار کاملاً منفی است و پیامدهای ناگواری برای ما دارد باید دنبال روش‌های دیگری باشیم که بدون مواجه شدن با آن پیامدها، آن کار را انجام بدهیم. در غیر این صورت پذیرفتن ریسک خطراتی که از آنها آگاه هستیم برای به نتیجه رساندن یک کار، منطقی نیست.


Restate the Position:
The original recommendation suggests how people should behave regarding risks. How would the recommendation read if it were couched in negative terms?
In other words:
People should not take risks until they have considered the consequences.
The meaning of both recommendations is essentially the same.
You could also determine what question is being answered by the recommendation.
Should individuals take risks?
Or: Under what conditions should people take risks?
Now think about the parts of the recommendation that provide evidence that you can affirm or refute.
a) only – This leaves no other option. It is akin to saying always. Are there no exceptions?
b) risky – This can be relative. What may appear risky to one may be commonplace for another.
c) carefully – The meaning of carefully can vary, as well. How much consideration is considered careful?
d) considered – To consider something is to think about it. it does not require taking any action. Does one only need to think about the consequences of one's actions? Does understanding the consequences prevent everyone from engaging in risky behavior? Does consideration necessarily lead to understanding?

Opposing viewpoint:
People should undertake risky action regardless of the consequences.
Think about the parts of the opposing statement that provide evidence to affirm or refute.
a) regardless – This means without regard. To regard something is to look at it. One should take risks without looking at the consequences.
b) should – This is not a command. Should implies choice.

Is there another way to look at this recommendation? Can it be qualified? Are some risks worth taking despite the possible consequences? Can risks be minimized?

New viewpoint:
Even with the possibility of negative consequences, some risks are worth taking.
Examples and reasons:
a) Marie and Pierre Curie – When they began experimenting with radiation, the risks were unknown. Marie Curie died from radiation sickness, but her contribution to the advancement of medicine is immeasurable.
b) early explorers – When the Vikings set out in their boats and headed west, they could not imagine what they would find. They found rich fishing grounds. Columbus, Cook, Drake, Magellan all risked their lives to set out across seas that no man had navigated before.
c) space exploration
d) Bill Gates and Steve Jobs – Both are pioneers in computing technology, Gates with software and Jobs with McIntosh computers

Sample 1:

Some people are born risk takers. Psychologists will tell you that it is component of one’s personality, and those who take risks sometimes exhibit negative behavior while others take risks that ultimately benefit themselves and others. The names of risk takers can be found in various halls of fame as well as on Wanted Posters. Famous risk takers range from the infamous like Al Capone and Bernie Maid off to the innovators like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Frank Lloyd Wright. Even though these and others knew the possible consequences of their actions, they were not deterred from reaching their goals. Those who do not take risks will not suffer the possible negative consequences, but neither will they experience the rewards.

Where would we be without those who took great risks with general disregard for the consequences? Marie and Pierre Curie literally risked their lives to experiment with radioactivity. The medical progress that resulted from their work not only earned the Curies the Noble Prize but made possible early treatment of some cancers. Other scientists followed in their footsteps, and the benefits to mankind have been enormous. Other medical pioneers include Jonas Salk who saved countless children from death or paralysis when he tested his new polio vaccine on himself, his wife and his own children. Risking his and his family’s lives led to mass administration of the vaccine to school children all over America, and virtually made the iron lung obsolete.

Early explorers risked traveling to areas marked on maps with the foreboding phrase, “Here there are dragons”, and expanded the known world. In efforts to find a shorter route to India, sailors like Christopher Columbus set off with his crew in three small boats and bumped into the Western Hemisphere. Charles Lindbergh flew solo across the Atlantic in a small plane in hopes of reaching the European continent. Since that time, man has used flight to reach the moon and establish space stations. If these adventurers had spent too much time thinking about the consequences, they may very well have just stayed home.

In the later years of the twentieth century pioneers in technology arose. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and one of the richest men in the world, dropped out of prestigious Harvard University to pursue computing. Steve Jobs, the brains behind Apple computers, also dropped out of college. These men defied the popular wisdom that one needs a college education to get anywhere in this world and created a universe of communication on a level never before seen.

Great political leaders have taken great risks for the sake of reform or revolution. Martin Luther King, Jr and Mohandas Gandhi (after whom King modeled his protests), risked everything and, ultimately, lost their lives for the sake of equality and independence. Both men certainly considered the consequences of their actions but deemed that the potential rewards made the risks acceptable. All minorities and repressed populations in the United States lead lives of greater opportunity thanks to the leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr, and India exists as an independent country as a result of Gandhi’s actions.

Just as there are consequences for taking risks, there are consequences for failing to take risks. Those who fear the unknown are doomed to live meager lives. It may be trite but nonetheless true to say that if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always had.

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