GRE Issue Topic 53

GRE Issue Topic 53


In order for any work of art — for example, a film, a novel, a poem, or a song — to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

برای اینکه هر اثر هنری - مثلاً یک فیلم، یک رمان، یک شعر یا یک آهنگ - شایستگی داشته باشد، باید برای اکثر مردم قابل درک باشد.

پاسخی بنویسید که در آن درمورد موافقت یا مخالفت با این جمله بحث کنید و استدلال خود را درباره موضع گیری خود توضیح دهید. در توسعه و حمایت از موضع خود، باید روشهایی را در نظر بگیرید که طبق آن، این نظریه ممکن است درست باشد یا نباشد و توضیح دهید که این ملاحظات چگونه موضع شما را شکل می دهند.


  • هدف هنرمند از خلق یک اثر هنری برقراری ارتباط با ذهن بینندگان آن اثر است. بنابراین، اگر نتواند روی ذهن عموم مردم که آن اثر هنری را می‌بینند، تأثیر مثبت بگذارد نمی تواند اثر فاخری باشد.
  • هر هنرمند قصد دارد با آثار هنری خود مثل شعر یا فیلم، پیامی را به مردم برساند اگر نتواند پیام خود را به وضوح در آثار هنری اش نشان دهد، به طوری که عموم مردم آن را درک کنند نمی تواند اثر فاخری شمرده شود.


  • برخی از آثار هنری مثل رمان یا فیلم، اهداف خاصی را دنبال می کند و برای قشر خاصی خلق شده بنابراین مهم است که برای آن قشر خاص قابل درک باشد نه برای عموم مردم.
  • آثار هنری پیچیدگی های بسیار زیادی دارند و اگر با جزئیات آن آشنایی نداشته باشیم، حتی آثار بسیار فاخر از نظر ما بی معنی به نظر خواهند رسید. بنابراین، ممکن است برخی آثار هنری مثل شعر یا فیلم از نظر عموم مردم قابل درک نباشد اما متخصصین آن زمینه بتوانند به عمق و مفهوم پشت پرده آن پی ببرند.
  • برای اینکه مفهوم اصلی که مد نظر سازنده آثار هنری مثل فیلم، شعر یا ر مان بوده درک شود، نیاز به تفسیرهای متفاوتی است. گاهی اوقات افراد معمولی که تخصصی در این زمینه ندارند نمی توانند به درستی یک اثر هنری را تفسیر کنند و به فاخر بودن آن پی ببرند.
  • آثار هنری بسیاری از افراد مشهور مثل پیکاسو برای هم عصران خودش قابل درک نبود و به همین علت آن ها نتوانستند ارزشمند بودن آن اثر هنری را درک کنند. اما در نسل های بعدی با پیشرفت افراد در آن زمینه های هنری، فاخر بودن آن آثار درک شده است.

Sample 1:

The speaker claims that any work of art-whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song has merits only if it is understandable to most people. What the author fails to realize is that popularity and merit are two different things. This statement is controversial in this time. While the value of art is not related to the accessibility to people, the acceptability and understandability is important to enlighten.

However, we should agree with the writer that most of the folk art is understandable to the common people and benefit them in many ways. It is human nature that they learn from what they understand like fairy tales, films, music etc. Few people have interest in abstract or obscure art works. Common people do not understand classical music but when the same is presented in the form of songs or film music, it attracts them and gets famous. The comprehensible art works often arouse readers’ or audiences’ interest or enthusiasm. Therefore, the essence whether the creators’ feeling, ideas, or values are likely imparted to receivers. A series of Harry Potter films are an example. These movies have attracted children and adults all over the world alike due to its recreation and understandability factor. The more understandable the work is, the more popular it is with people and hence more is its value. There is also an example of fairy tales by a Denmark novelist Andersen. He has used understandable and vivid interpretation, which has influenced generations of young children in the world and even shed light on adult world.

However, at the same time, the artwork should not be only for monetary gain and lucrative and entertaining purpose. If it is so then the writer is correct in saying that these merits lie in popularity and understandability of art. Sometimes, the understandable artwork does well also. For example, due to popularity of Harry Potter films, numerous audiences were attracted to cinemas. This popularity has also benefited the author of the novel and now the audience and readers highly value the author as one of the most valuable novelists. However, there are many instances where several artistic works with great value cannot be understood and recognized by contemporary people. Sometimes, even the most sensitive critics are not able to work out and evaluate the true and actual value of the art. Therefore, it is simply not possible for the general public to understand its value, who do not receive particular trainings and specialized knowledge.

There are many examples where the artwork of many artists was not given due respect and recognization when the artist was alive. People just could not recognize their value. However, later on after their death, their work got place in the history of art. Van Gogh was a famous painter whose work was not acknowledged by people during his lifetime. He could sell only one of his paintings at a low price all over his career. However, decades later, people began to recognize the value of his paintings. Recently, two of his paintings have broken all records as they were sold at a price of 50 million dollars in an exhibition.

In the end, it can be said that people’s opinion may or may not influence the price and popularity of a certain artwork but it cannot change its merit.

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