GRE Argument Topic 45

GRE Argument Topic 45


The following appeared in a magazine article about planning for retirement.

"Clearview should be a top choice for anyone seeking a place to retire, because it has spectacular natural beauty and a consistent climate. Another advantage is that housing costs in Clearview have fallen significantly during the past year, and taxes remain lower than those in neighboring towns. Moreover, Clearview's mayor promises many new programs to improve schools, streets, and public services. And best of all, retirees in Clearview can also expect excellent health care as they grow older, since the number of physicians in the area is far greater than the national average."

Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.

موارد زیر در مقاله یک مجله در مورد برنامه ریزی برای بازنشستگی منتشر شده است.

کلیرویو  باید برای همه افرادی که به دنبال مکانی برای بازنشستگی هستند انتخابی عالی باشد، زیرا دارای زیبایی طبیعی چشمگیر و آب و هوای مربوطه است.  "مزیت دیگر این است که هزینه های مسکن درکلیرویو Clearview طی سال گذشته به طور قابل توجهی کاهش یافته است و مالیات ها کمتر از هزینه های شهرهای همسایه است. علاوه بر این، شهردار Clearview بسیاری از برنامه های جدید را برای بهبود مدارس، خیابان ها و خدمات عمومی نوید می دهد. و از همه مهمتر، بازنشستگان در Clearview همچنین می توانند با بالاتر رفتن سنشان، انتظار مراقبت های بهداشتی عالی را داشته باشند، زیرا تعداد پزشکان در منطقه بسیار بیشتر از میانگین ملی است. "

پاسخی بنویسید و در آن توضیح دهید که چه مستندات خاصی برای ارزیابی بحث لازم است و شرح دهید که چگونه این مستندات می تواند بحث را تضعیف یا تقویت کند.

The first step in performing your analysis consists of identifying the texts’ key point, recommendation, prediction or hypothesis. All the other arguments and assumptions are designed to support this central claim. In this case, the author attempts to demonstrate that “Clearview should be a well sought-after retirement place”.
The next step would involve creating a statement that summarizes the text by including the central claim and its supporting arguments.
The article writer claims that Clearview should be a well sought-after retirement place due to its many attractive features, chief among which are the areas’ natural beauty and climate, quality healthcare, reduced housing costs and low taxes.
When considering the evidence that is necessary to support the arguments outlined in the text, it is important to keep in mind that arguments are based on assumptions – points that are taken to be true, without need for proof. This is what you need to look for – explicit and implicit assumptions, since they require evidence that is not already listed in the text

i) Explicit Assumptions: Retirees select living places based on nature and climate
Implicit assumptions
a) Consistent climate is important for people about to retire
b) Natural beauty is important for people about to retire
ii) Explicit Assumptions: Low housing costs and taxes make Clearview desirable
Implicit assumptions
a) Lowering of housing costs makes them affordable
b) Lowering of housing costs makes Clearview desirable over other places
c) Housing costs are the main financial expenditure related to cost of living in Clearview
d) Taxes in Clearview are low
e) Taxes in Clearview are significantly lower than in neighboring towns
iii) Explicit Assumptions: The number of healthcare providers is important for retirees
Implicit assumptions
a) Healthcare is overall important for older people when deciding to retire
b) The number of healthcare providers is significantly higher than the national average
c) Retirees rate healthcare quality based on the number of available physicians
d) The available medical practitioners have specializations in the fields that are important for retirees
iv) Explicit Assumptions: Infrastructure improvement promises are a selling point
Implicit assumptions
a) Number of schools is an important selling point for retirees
b) Significant improvement of public services
c) The improvements will be completed in a time frame that makes them attractive to old people considering retiring in Clearview
After having established your assumptions, you can find the evidence that is needed to evaluate the argument by considering what proof is necessary to validate each implicit assumption.

a) Survey containing a ranking of the reasons that old people consider to be important when choosing a retirement place
b) Compare the income and mortgage allowance of the average retiree compared with Clearview housing prices
c) Comparison between Clearview’s housing costs and the area and national averages
d) Percentage of monthly living costs assigned to housing
e) Clearview’s total living costs compared to the area and national averages
f) Taxes in Clearview compared to national averages
g) Taxes in Clearview compared to those of the neighboring towns
h) The difference between the number of physicians in Clearview and the national average expressed in a percentagem
i) Comparison of the top medical specializations sought after by old people and the number of physicians having those specializations in Clearview
j) Current state of public services reported to the expected improvements
k) Expected terms of completion for the public service improvements
l) Senior recreation places and volunteer opportunities
m) Senior population percentage

Sample 1:

The article writer claims that Clearview should be an attractive location for retirement due to its many attractive amenities, including the areas’ natural beauty and climate, quality healthcare, reduced housing costs, and low taxes. To evaluate the validity of this claim, additional information is needed about the town’s affordability, number of existing senior activities, quality of life, public transportation, and health care facilities and personnel. One of the author’s main arguments is that Clearview would be a great place to retire due to its affordability especially in terms of reduced housing costs and low taxes. Affordability is not only determined by the cost of housing but also by the buying power of the future residents. By comparing the income and mortgage allowance of the average retiree with Clearview’s housing prices, the article writer can determine whether the intended target audience has sufficient monetary resources to consider Clearview as a viable retirement option.

When proposing that Clearview is an ideal place to retire due to the low housing costs, the author needs to draw comparisons with the national and area specific averages to determine if the housing costs are low enough to encourage people to choose Clearview over other retirement locations. It is possible that housing costs in Clearview were previously high, so that the reduction in cost results in market prices that remain higher than the ones in neighboring towns. In this case, people would be more likely to choose an alternate retirement destination and the author’s argument related to the affordability of Clearview would become invalid. The opposite is also possible, with the housing costs of Clearview being lower than national or area averages, in which case, for fiscal reasons alone, Clearview would become a more attractive retirement destination. In addition to housing costs, there are a host of other expenses that add up to the monthly costs of living, and people looking for financially attractive retirement destinations would be likely to also take this information into account. By comparing Clearview’s monthly living cost with that of the area and national averages, the article writer could make a much more compelling case about the financial attractiveness of the town. If not only housing costs but also daily expenses prove to be lower than other neighboring retirement destinations then that is likely to make Clearview into a well sought-after retirement choice, as the article advertises. Should the monthly living costs be higher than those of the neighboring regions, Clearview could still be a good retirement destination based on its other selling points; however, it is not likely that it would become a top candidate.

Another issue to consider when advertising the financial attractiveness of the area is the taxes. The author should provide additional information on how the taxes in Clearview compare to nationwide taxes. While the author mentions that Clearview has better taxes than the neighboring towns, it is not clear just how high the taxes are, which is where the nationwide comparison comes in handy. Using this information, the author can establish if the taxes are low for the area, but overall high when compared to national averages (in the case where Clearview would be situated in an overall expensive region) or if the taxes are genuinely low. Based on the outcome, he might choose whether it is prudent to advertise tax rankings as a key selling point.

When making a case for the desirability of Clearview as a retirement place, one also needs to take into consideration evidence related to the quality of life in the area, like the percentage of senior population in Clearview, the number of recreational places and volunteer opportunities, and the town’s temperature and pressure statistics. While the author does mention that the climate is constant, he does not provide sufficient information to assess whether the areas’ weather would be ideal for elderly people. A very constant but high temperature can prove to be a deterrent for elderly people, who, in general, seem to prefer milder climates. On the other hand, if the evidence were to reveal that Clearview has a consistently moderate climate, then that fact might prove to be a sufficient incentive to choose Clearview over a slightly cheaper alternative that has less than ideal weather.

Senior population percentages would also come in handy when assessing the quality of life in Clearview. According to Forbes, retirees prefer to settle in places where they can integrate more easily and share activities with other people belonging to the same age group. In this sense, Florida and Arizona are retirement favorites because they already have a large population of senior citizens and provide a support system for newcomers. In this sense, if Clearview has a low number of senior citizens, and subsequently fewer senior targeted activities, retirees might choose to live in a town with a bigger elderly community, regardless of whether it might be more expensive. However, should Clearview have a nicely developed senior citizen community, then people would be more likely to retire there instead of in a place that provides cheaper accommodations but no recreational opportunities. This data would come in handy when advertising the town as a top choice for retirement destinations.

Another claim made by the article writer is that healthcare is important for retirees and from this standpoint, Clearview would be an ideal place to retire as it has a great number of physicians. This argument rests on the assumption that the number of healthcare providers is indicative of the quality of the services. To assess the validity of that claim, the article writer would have to take into consideration Clearview’s hospital rankings and report them to the number of physicians. In addition, given that there are certain afflictions that are more prevalent among the elderly, the writer should consider the top medical specializations sought after by old people and the number of physicians having those specializations in Clearview. This data would help evaluate whether Clearview’s health prospects match the desires and requirements of the elderly.

All in all, the article writer makes a compelling case for Clearview being a top choice for retirement destinations by playing on the town’s strengths that are most appealing to the elderly. However, the argument could do with improvements by placing financial data into national context to give perspective to the information, and by including information related to the quality of life.

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