GRE Issue Topic 140

GRE Issue Topic 140


The effectiveness of a country's leaders is best measured by examining the well-being of that country's citizens.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

اثربخشی رهبران یک کشور به بهترین وجه با بررسی رفاه شهروندان آن کشور سنجیده می شود.

پاسخی بنویسید که در آن درمورد موافقت یا مخالفت با این جمله بحث کنید و استدلال خود را درباره موضع گیری خود توضیح دهید. در توسعه و حمایت از موضع خود، باید روشهایی را در نظر بگیرید که طبق آن، این نظریه ممکن است درست باشد یا نباشد و توضیح دهید که این ملاحظات چگونه موضع شما را شکل می دهند.


  • آسایش و رفاه عمومی یک ملت می‌تواند مهمترین شاخص از کارایی رهبران آن جامعه باشد چون نشان می‌دهد که دولت سیاست‌های درستی را اتخاذ کرده و رفاه ملت را تامین کرده است.
  • دولت در درجه اول باید بتواند برای تک تک مردم جامعه امکان یافتن شغل مناسب، برخوردار بودن از بیمه و خدمات درمانی و همچنین امکان تامین خوراک و پوشاک مناسب را فراهم کند. بنابراین هر دولتی که بتواند این نیازهای اولیه را تامین کند، کارایی مناسبی داشته است.
  • دولت های کارآمد سیاست هایی را اتخاذ می کنند تا رفاه تک تک مردم جامعه برقرار شود. مثلا با گرفتن مالیات بیشتر از افراد ثروتمند جامعه و کمک مالی بیشتر به اقشار ضعیف.
  • کارایی رهبران یک جامعه با تصمیماتی که در خصوص ایجاد شغل، تامین امنیت جامعه، در دسترس بودن خدمات درمانی و آموزش و پرورش می گیرند، سنجیده می شود که تمام این ها به معنای تامین رفاه جامعه است. بنابراین، هرچقدر رهبران در تامین رفاه عموم موفق تر عمل کنند، کارایی آنها بیشتر است.


  • بررسی این موضوع به این بستگی دارد که کارایی رهبران را در چه چیزی زمینه ای بررسی کنیم. به عنوان مثال بعضی از کشورها از لحاظ علمی در رتبه های اول قرار می گیرند چون رهبرانشان در این زمینه ها سرمایه گذاری کرده اند. برخی دیگر از لحاظ سیاسی یک جامعه پیشرفته شناخته می‌شوند که به عملکرد سیاستمداران شان بر می گردد. با اینکه عملکرد رهبران این کشورها در زمینه های خاصی کارامد بوده اما شاید رفاه عمومی مردم را به خوبی تامین نکرده باشند.
  • برخی از کشورهایی که به عنوان جامعه پیشرفته در زمینه های تحقیقاتی علمی شناخته می شوند مثل هند هنوز نتوانسته‌اند رفاه ملت خود را به طور کامل تامین کنند. بنابراین، می توان گفت کارایی رهبران برخی کشورها فقط با رفاه آن ملت سنجیده نمی شود.
  • سنجش کارایی رهبران یک ملت بر اساس شرایط جهانی تعلین می‌شود. به عنوان مثال، رهبران کشوری که در شرایط جنگ قرار دارد باید به فکر پیروزی و مقابله با دشمن باشند و کارایی خود را در این زمینه نشان دهند و در این شرایط نمی توان کارایی آنها را با رفاه مردم سنجید.
  • کارایی رهبران هر کشور باید با توجه به اهدافی که تعیین شده و اینکه آنها چقدر در رسیدن به آن اهداف موفق بوده اند سنجیده شود. مثلا در کشور روسیه قدرتمند بودن در سیاست خارجی یکی از بزرگترین اهداف رهبران آن است و کارایی آنها در این زمینه فوق العاده بوده اما نمی توان گفت که رفاه تمام مردم روسیه به طور کامل تامین شده است.
  • در برخی شرایط خاص، رهبران مجبور می شوند مسائل مهمتری را نسبت به رفاه شهروندان در اولویت قرار دهند. مثلا شاید یک کشور برای برقراری صلح با یک کشور دیگر و تامین امنیت مردم مجبور شود بخشی از تولیدات داخلی را به کشور دیگری بدهد تا از بروز جنگ جلوگیری کند حتی اگر مردم آن کشور با کمبود آن کالاها در داخل مواجه باشند.



Restate the issue, perhaps by reversing the order of the sentence components.
In other words:
The well–being of a country's citizens is the best measure of its leaders' effectiveness.
Determine what question is being answered by the statement. This will help you begin to think how you would answer it and whether or not you agree with the original statement.
What are the best means of measuring the effectiveness of a country's leaders?
Parts of the original statement that provide evidence that you can affirm or refute.
a) Effective leaders ensure the wellbeing of a country's citizens.
b) Other measures of a leader's effectiveness are less important than the wellbeing of the country's citizens.
Next, create a statement that expresses the opposing viewpoint, using language similar to that of the original statement.

Opposing viewpoint:
The effectiveness of a country's leaders is not best measured by the well–being of that country's citizens.
Is there any other way to look at this issue? Can you qualify the original statement in some way? Is it possible to partially agree with the statement?

Alternative viewpoint:
The well–being of a country's citizens is one measure of its leaders' effectiveness.

Sample 1:

When history judges the effectiveness of a country's leader, it considers the decisions he or she made that led to a good life for the citizens of the country. High employment rates, accessibility to affordable health care, a good school system, a reasonable inflation rate, and security from invasion by enemies are some of those important measures. When those conditions exist for an extended period of time, the leader can be called effective, perhaps even great.

America has elected presidents who displayed great leadership in areas other than government, believing that their skills would create a sense of wellbeing for its citizens. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the allied troops in Europe during WWII, created the strategy for the D–Day invasion of Normandy that eventually decided the war in favor of the Allies. "I Like Ike" became the campaign slogan that helped to elect him president in 1952 and again in 1956. Eisenhower's demonstrated ability to secure victory over communism and fascism in Europe made him the popular choice to lead post–war America. The prosperity of Americans during the ‘50s would make it reasonable to conclude that Eisenhower was an effective leader.

Perhaps no other president in the twentieth century faced more challenges during his term of leadership than Franklin Delano Roosevelt. First elected in 1932, he faced the Herculean task of lifting the country out of the Great Depression. Large numbers of Americans were unemployed, hungry, and homeless. With the blessings of Congress, FDR established the New Deal which contained programs like the CCC (Civil Conservation Corps) that provided both paying jobs for Americans and a necessary service in America's woodlands. During the first year of FDR's third term, on December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked American ships at Pearl Harbor. As a result, American would become engaged in WWII, fighting both in Europe and the Pacific. FDR’s ability to lead during wartime was exemplified by his ability to forge an alliance with the USSR, a former adversary. Americans were so convinced of this president's ability to improve the wellbeing of all citizens that they reelected FDR for an unprecedented fourth term.

Some might argue that leaders in the twenty first century have made some decisions that were designed to secure the wellbeing of Americans but have infringed on citizens' rights or have not had the intended consequences. After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, the leaders of America declared war on Al Qaeda and vowed to hunt down those responsible for the attacks and to prevent further threats to America’s safety. Patriotic fever swept the nation, and most citizens heartily approved of President Bush's decision. Twelve years later, American troops are still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the American people are weary of the protracted war. The Patriot Act was created to enable the tracking of suspected terrorists in the United States, but many citizens protested the invasion of privacy inherent in that act. Travel by air throughout the country became a more laborious undertaking with security measures implemented at every airport. Even though Americans feel safer when they travel, they feel that some freedoms have been lost. The well–being of the majority may occur at the price of individual freedom.

Just recently, the government of Syria used chemical weapons in the form of poisonous gas on its own citizens. President Obama immediately declared that the US should take military action against Syria to eliminate these chemical weapons. Should Syria continue to use chemical weapons, American troops and civilians in the Middle East may be in danger. A military strike might ensure their wellbeing. On the other hand, Syria and its allies could retaliate, putting even more Americans in danger. Decisions about protecting the wellbeing of Americans are often fraught with conflicting consequences; the right choice is not always obvious or easy, and leaders are subject to harsh criticism if their choices are unpopular.

Leaders of the free world do attempt to secure the wellbeing of their citizens by maintaining a vibrant economy, protecting individual rights, and insuring their safety by eliminating threats both foreign and domestic. Many of those leaders also try to improve the lives of people who are oppressed or murdered by their own leaders in other countries. The effectiveness of any leader to secure the well–being of the citizens may not become apparent until his or her actions are viewed from a historical perspective.

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