GRE Issue Topic 62

GRE Issue Topic 62


The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

ذهن انسان همیشه برتر از ماشین است زیرا ماشین ها فقط ابزار ذهن انسان هستند.

پاسخی بنویسید که در آن درمورد موافقت یا مخالفت با این جمله بحث کنید و استدلال خود را درباره موضع گیری خود توضیح دهید. در توسعه و حمایت از موضع خود، باید روشهایی را در نظر بگیرید که طبق آن، این نظریه ممکن است درست باشد یا نباشد و توضیح دهید که این ملاحظات چگونه موضع شما را شکل می دهند.


  • کامپیوترها و سایر ماشین آلاتی که توسط انسان اختراع شده اند بدون درخواست یا کمک انسان ها قادر به انجام کاری نیستند. در حقیقت ما هستیم که تعیین میکنیم آنها چه کاری را باید انجام بدهند و آنها به خودی خود استقلالی در انجام وظایف شان دارند. بنابراین، قدرت ذهن ما از آنها بیشتر است چون ما می توانیم آنها را کنترل کنیم.
  • کامپیوترها یا ماشین ها دارای ذهن یا مغز خلاق نیستند بلکه کاری را انجام می‌دهند که ما آنها را بر آن اساس برنامه‌ریزی کرده‌ایم پس ذهن ما نسبت به آنها برتری دارد.
  • کامپیوترها یا ماشین ها خودشان نمی تواند ابزار دیگری را خلق کنند. این ما انسان‌ها هستیم که برنامه‌ای را برای تولید کردن یا ساختن یک چیز جدید به آن ماشین ها می دهیم. پس ذهن ما بسیار برتر و فوق العاده تر از ماشین ها کار میکند.
  • قطعاً ذهن ما انسان ها نسبت به ماشین و کامپیوتر برتری دارد چرا که ما می توانیم از تجربیات گذشته خود یا حتی تجربیات دیگران استفاده کنیم و دست به خلق ماشین ها و ابزار آلات جدید بزنیم. در صورتی که، اگر ما کامپیوترها را روشن کنیم و یا الگوریتم هایی را برای انجام کاری وارد سیستم آنها نکنیم، از خودشان هیچ اختیاری ندارند.


  • اینکه بگوییم ماشین ها و کامپیوتر ها نسبت به ذهن انسان برتری دارند یک مسئله نسبی است. به عنوان مثال، زمانی که شما با کامپیوتر شطرنج بازی می کنید اگر دانش و آگاهی شما نسبت به آنچه که در برنامه کامپیوتر موجود است، کم تر باشد، شما از کامپیوتر شکست خواهید خورد. در این حالت می توان گفت که ذهن کامپیوتر نسبت به شما برتری داشته است.
  • سرعت پیشرفت تکنولوژی آنقدر بالاست که برخی از افراد نمی توانند خودشان را با تکنولوژی‌های جدید وفق بدهند. به عنوان مثال، شاید مادربزرگ و پدربزرگ های ما نتوانند هرگز یک موبایل را به دست بگیرند و آنطور که ما به راحتی با آن کار می‌کنیم، از آن استفاده کنند پس می‌توان نتیجه گرفت که ذهن موبایل ها و کامپیوترهای امروزی نسبت به مادربزرگ و پدربزرگ های ما برتر است.


Restate the issue, perhaps by reversing the order of the sentence components.
In other words:
Because machines are only tools of human minds, the human mind will always be superior to machines.
Determine what question is being answered by the statement. This will help you begin to think how you would answer it and whether or not you agree with the original statement.
Why is the human mind superior to machines?
Parts of the original statement that provide evidence that you can affirm or refute.
a) always – This absolute leaves no room for other options. Is it possible for something to be always true? Never true?
b) superior – A superior position is above any other. It is higher, better.
c) only – This can imply exclusivity, e.g.., the only one. It also suggests a lack, e.g., only enough for two.
d) tools – Humans have developed tools to make tasks easier. The ability to use tools has elevated some species and ensures their survival.
e) machines – They are inanimate objects designed to serve man.
Next, create a statement that expresses the opposing viewpoint, using language similar to that of the original statement.

Opposing viewpoint:
Even though man has created machines, his mind is not always superior to machines.
Parts of the statement that provide evidence that you can affirm or refute.
a) even though – This suggests exemptions or conditions under which the original statement may not be true.
b) not always – This is also a conditional phrase.

Alternative viewpoint:
Man’s failure to develop his mind can lead to the superiority of machines over man.
a) failure to develop – not learning how to use or manipulate sophisticated machines
a) 2001: A Space Odyssey – Hal begins to make independent decisions.
b) Watson, created by IBM to play Jeopardy!
c) Many people never learned to program their VCR’s.

Sample 1:

When humans learned how to use tools, they increased their chances of survival. Humans were able to hunt more efficiently and plant crops, ensuring a food supply. Pulleys, levers, and wheels enabled men to lift heavy objects, move objects, and build shelters. Simple machines and tools were the servants of man. Over time, man modified his early tools and machines, and, by the middle of the twentieth century, humans were using tools and machines to accomplish virtually every daily task. Man had made all of these machines and was, therefore, superior to them. They did only what humans made them to do. For the most part, they still do, but the advent of Artificial Intelligence may change that.

In 1968, 2001 A Space Odyssey introduced audiences to Hal, a computer that had some human characteristics. Initially, a tool used by space travelers Dave and Frank, Hal begins to behave independently of them. Frank and Dave eventually become concerned enough to hatch a plot that will deactivate Hal. Hal foils the plot and reveals to Dave that the precautions he and Frank took to discuss their plan out of Hal's hearing were futile, as Hal can read lips. Forty years ago, no one had a computer at home, so Hal's independent actions may have seemed both fantastic and frightening to movie audiences.

Two years ago, Jeopardy! fans tuned in to watch Watson, a computer designed with artificial intelligence, compete against two of the show's top winners. Despite some hiccups, Watson beat the former champs, including Ken Jennings, who won more than seventy games in his reign as champion. Although Watson, named for the original founder of IBM, had been designed and programmed by humans, he was able to think independently when answering each question on the show. He was not connected to the Internet, and, therefore, could not search for correct answers. Watson functioned like a thinking human brain.

Even though most of us have not had encounters with Artificial Intelligence, we have purchased machines that demonstrate our limits. When VCR’s became readily available, nearly everyone applauded the ability to watch popular movies in the comfort of our own homes. Programming the machine, however, was beyond the skill of many homeowners. As a result, most VCR’s sat on the shelf flashing 12:00 for the lifetime of the device.

Throughout the history of man, machines, both simple and complex, have been the tools of man. In fact, our sophisticated use of tools is what sets us apart from other animal species. It is difficult for those living in the twenty–first century to imagine what life was like for humans without the machines that we use today. We can only imagine the time and labor involved in planting and harvesting crops before the advent of the cotton gin and the McCormack reaper, let alone the diesel–powered farm vehicles we see today. The working woman would not exist were it not for the labor–saving devices in her home: washing machines and dryers, vacuum cleaners and dishwashers. Today’s students would find it quaint to complete math assignments without advanced calculators and English compositions without computers. Many schools have even gone paperless as students can submit their work online. For the purpose of making daily tasks easier, machines remain inferior to humans.

While it is true that the advanced machines that make our lives easier would not exist without the minds of men who created them, our mindless use of them may be our downfall. Little thought goes into accomplishing either simple or complex tasks. Humans today run on autopilot. Without much consideration, we load the dishwasher, start the clothes washer, and set the house alarm before heading out the door to get into our cars that apply the brakes automatically if something is behind us as we back out of the driveway and parallel park when we reach our destinations. In many respects, every machine we own in turn owns us. We must clean them, maintain them, fuel them, and insure them. We have created a symbiotic rather than dominant relationship with the machines in our lives today. How our relationship with machines evolves will determine whether or not the human mind will remain superior to them.


Sample 2:

If after God any living being has a power to create then that is a human being. Humans have created miracles in all fields. Creation of machines is one such example. Machines were created to help man in his day-to-day work. These machines are the results of human innovation and they can never be superior to human mind. If a man has a power to make them he can even break them. They are just the tools in the hands of humans and no matter how gigantic, accurate or prompt these machineries are they can never outdo a human brain. If man would not have created machines then these machines would not be in existence only. Therefore, I agree that human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.”

The present day age is of computers and this machinery is one of the creations of mankind but this machine can not work on its own. Although, it is more fast, prompt and accurate than a human mind but it was made to do all such functions. Therefore, a computer is only a waste piece of machinery until it is used by a human mind. Similarly, all the machines created by humans are helping humans to perform their work but alone these machines are nothing. The most important point of difference in humans and machinery is that humans have an ability to think and analyze a situation which a machine can certainly not do. Humans have the ability to act and solve various problems differently. Whereas a machine can simply solve a problem which we give it to but it can certainly not apply logical thinking to it. Another point of differentiation between humans and machines is emotions. We humans are blessed with emotions and act in different situations accordingly but machines are deprived of this beautiful gift of nature. A human mind it far more creative than a computer that is why it’s able to create vast number of machines.

We humans have created these machines but in certain aspects these machines are superior to us. Can we ever think of reaching any far off place without the help of any transport? Again a computer is made by man but the functions it performs for us can never be performed by a genius also. Machines have also got the accuracy of performing the same task several times which is impossible for humans.

Machines have become an indispensable part of our lives and our day-to-day life would be very difficult without their presence. The capability of a human to create better and better things has proved its superiority over machines. Therefore, humans are certainly far superior to machines not because these were created by humans but because humans even have the ability to destroy them. These machines are lifeless and put in use only by humans and without humans they are a total waste.

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