GRE Issue Topic 83

GRE Issue Topic 83


Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system.

Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

ادعا: بسیاری از مشکلات جامعه مدرن توسط قوانین و سیستم حقوقی حل نمی شود.

دلیل: قوانین نمی توانند آنچه را که در قلب یا ذهن افراد است تغییر دهند.

پاسخی بنویسید که در آن درباره اینکه تا چه میزان  با  این ادعا و دلیلی که ادعا بر مبنای آن پایه گذاری شده است، موافق یا مخالف هستید، بحث کنید.

  • پیشرفت تکنولوژی در دنیای امروز به سرعت اتفاق می‌افتد و زمینه های جدیدی به وجود می‌آیند که ممکن است جرائم مربوط به آن در وضع قوانین در جوامع مختلف برای حفظ تعادل و آرامش در جامعه لازم باشد و بسیاری از مردم را مجبور می‌کند که حداقل در مکان‌های عمومی و در میان اجتماع رفتار درستی داشته باشند. با این وجود، قانون را نمی توان به زندگی شخصی افراد و رفتار هایی که به صورت فردی در زندگی خود دارند، تعمیم داد. به عنوان مثال، هدر ندادن آب یک رفتار فردی است و هر شخصی باید از لحاظ اخلاقی نسبت به آن متعهد باشد و در این میان از قانون، کاری بر نمی آید.
  • ممکن است یک سری قوانین پیش بینی نشده باشد. به عنوان مثال، جرائم مربوط به اینترنت و فضای مجازی و اینکه هر شخصی می تواند با هر هویتی دست به اقداماتی بزند که حتی مکان آن شخص نیست، به درستی قابل پیگیری نیست؛ از عواملی است که در قوانین تصویب شده قبلی پیش‌بینی نشده است. بنابراین، در دنیای مدرن امروزی باید روی فرهنگ سازی و استفاده درست از تکنولوژی سرمایه گذاری بیشتری شود.
  • اگر ارزش های اخلاقی از سنین کودکی به افراد آموزش داده شود، آنها یاد می‌گیرند که در بزرگسالی نیز به مسائل اخلاقی در زندگی شخصی و فردی خود پایبند باشند. بنابراین، مشکلات دنیای مدرن که بسیاری از آنها در قوانین قدیمی پیش‌بینی نشده حل می‌شود.
  • بسیاری از جرائمی که هم اکنون در دنیای مدرن اتفاق می‌افتد، دقیقا مشابه با همان جرایمی است که در طول تاریخ توسط انسانها انجام می‌شده و برای آن قوانینی وضع شده است. به عنوان مثال، قتل و کشتن انسان دیگر، یکی از بزرگترین جرائمی است که باید مجازات سخت گیرانه ای برای آن وجود داشته باشد و این ارتباطی با مدرن بودن یا غیر مدرن بودن جهان ندارد.
  • قوانین نمی‌توانند روح و روان یا ذات افراد را تغییر بدهند. آنها فقط مقرراتی هستند که از وقوع جرم و جنایت پیشگیری کرده و یا افرادی را که مرتکب این جرم و جنایت ها شوند، مجازات می‌کنند. اگرچه وجود قوانین برای ایجاد نظم و انضباط در جامعه لازم و ضروری است اما بسیاری از مشکلات فرهنگی و شخصیتی در افراد وجود دارد که به ذات آنها برمی گردد و نمی‌توان در قانون برای آن مجازات تعیین کرد بلکه فقط باید با گسترش آموزش ارزش‌های اخلاقی در جامعه این مشکلات برطرف شوند.
  • اگر به معلمین آموزش داده شود که در مدارس به همان اندازه که دروس علمی را تدریس می کنند، ارزش‌های اخلاقی را نیز آموزش دهند، بسیاری از مشکلات جامعه بدون نیاز به وضع قوانین خاصی حل می‌شود.


Combine the claim and the reason into one statement using a subordinate clause.
In other words:
Because laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds, many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system.
What are the assumptions stated or implied in the claim and reason? These will provide evidence that you can refute or affirm in your argument.
a) Changing what is in people's minds and hearts will solve problems of modern society.
b) Many of modern society's problems are not rooted in illegal actions.
c) The problems of modern society are more troublesome than those of the past.
d) People will follow their hearts rather than the laws.

Opposing viewpoint:
Claim: Many problems of modern society can be solved by laws and the legal system.
Reason: Laws can override what is in people's hearts or minds.
What are the assumptions stated or implied in the claim and reason? These will provide evidence that you can refute or affirm in your argument.
a) The legal system is an effective agent of change.
b) People's minds and hearts need not be changed to be subject to laws.
c) The law has more authority than people's minds and hearts.

Alternative viewpoint:
Many problems of modern society can be solved by laws and the legal system.
Reason: People can use what is in their minds and hearts to create or change laws.
What are the assumptions stated or implied in the claim and reason?
a) People can change laws that are not effective.

Sample 1:

Society must have laws. When nomadic peoples began living together in communal groups, the need arose for rules. Individuals could not steal from the group, kill other members of the group, or be dishonest. The great religions of the world created lists of prohibited actions, calling the commission of them sins against god. Christians have the Ten Commandments, and the laws in Christian countries reflect the prohibitions in those commandments. Because most people respect and obey the laws, the legal system can solve most problems of modern society.

When the problems of modern society are the result of people's attitudes or prejudices, laws are not effective in the short term, but evidence exists that they eventually create more just conditions for everyone. Just recently, the United States commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech during the March on Washington. This action to protest unequal treatment of minorities eventually led to President Johnson's signing the Civil Rights Act. Despite this legislation, the hearts and minds of white Americans, particularly in the South, remained unchanged for decades. However, a recent survey revealed that 72% of Americans believe that progress has been made. The fact that voters elected a black man to serve as President of the United States is the most obvious example of that progress. The bias against women in leadership roles has changed, initially as a result of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment that allowed them to vote. Decades later, laws made it possible for women to attend college at traditionally male institutions like Harvard, Yale, and military service academies. People's hearts and minds have changed sufficiently to make it acceptable for women to serve on the Supreme Court and run as vice presidential candidates. They serve as CEOs of major corporations. Most recently, some states have passed laws making it legal for same–sex couples to marry. Alternative lifestyles have become more acceptable.

Laws may be unable to change what is in people's minds and hearts, but people can use what is in their minds and hearts to change laws or, even, entire governments. In the early years of America, citizens lived under English law. England treated the colonies like a cash cow; every time Britain needed to raise funds, it levied a new tax or tariff on the colonists. When the taxes and tariffs became too burdensome, the colonists eventually revolted, and, in 1776, declared their independence from England. Today, Americans, like citizens in most democratic countries, have a means to change the laws. The representatives and senators –also referred to as lawmakers– on both the state and national level create new laws or amend old ones to reflect the needs and desires of their constituents. Laws have been changed to reflect what people think and feel. Not so long ago, it was against the law for people of different races to marry, but now it is common to see legally married couples who are of different races. Obtaining a divorce was virtually impossible, compelling couples to remain married long after they had stopped loving each other. Women were forced to remain in abusive marriages. Due to changes in those laws, people can follow their hearts and legally remove themselves from loveless relationships.

Laws may be an effective deterrent to crime. Fear of legal consequences certainly prevents most people from acting on feelings of anger or revenge. Would–be criminals are likely to avoid a life of crime if they know they will spend time in jail or be required to pay a hefty fine. The law may not change what is in a man's heart or mind, but it can change his course of action.


Sample 2:

It is true that many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws, as moral behavior is something for which a person has to be responsible himself. Although there are some problems that can be solved by laws, other problems like moral behavior have to be solved by the persons themselves.

It is a persons responsibility to judge his behavior and follow the rules formed for the welfare of the society. Law cannot punish every person for his or her behavior. For example, to save water or not to waste water is the moral responsibility of every member of a society. Any law cannot punish an individual for such behavior. In the first look, it does not seem to be a big harm to the society but in the end, he is wasting a precious thing. Similarly, the behaviors like throwing plastic in public or spitting in public places is certainly not good behavior. Laws can do little to stop these behaviors. However, there are countries where there are laws to punish a person who does not behave properly in public places.

Similarly, with the invention of internet, there are more and more of cyber crimes where it is difficult to find a witness. A person can easily hide his identity, his name, sex, address on the internet. Hence, it becomes very difficult for law to punish the criminal. Although now a days, lawmakers have also found the ways to identify these persons. However, here again, moral behavior can play a role in reducing these kind of crimes.

However, we cannot underestimate the importance of laws in our life. We need laws to protect ourselves and punish those who harm the society. Law helps in balancing the society to be more harmonious and peaceful. Although moral behavior cannot be legislated, thorough enforcement of a few laws can help to solve social problems to some extent. Laws teach people many things about moral behavior and force them to follow those rules. If everyone conforms to laws, it would be very easy for everyone to get rid of social problems.

Still, there are people who find it difficult to follow the laws. Then for these types of people, there should be strict punishments. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to live in the society. Only enactment of stringent laws can protect everyone in the society from the problems caused by the non-moral behavior of a few persons.

To make our society, we have to instill good values in the society at the school and college levels. It will help to teach the students a subject related to moral behavior in their schools and colleges. This will help in reducing problems related to moral behavior.

Hence, although moral behavior cannot be legislated, laws have to be there to curb the problems arising out of immoral behavior. The society and laws have to work hand-in-hand to solve the problems of the modern society and to make our society peaceful.

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