GRE Issue Topic 128

GRE Issue Topic 128


Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.

Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.

موسسات آموزشی باید فعالانه دانش آموزان خود را به انتخاب رشته های تحصیلی تشویق کنند که آنها را برای شغل های پردرآمد آماده کند.

پاسخی بنویسید که در آن درباره دیدگاه های خود در مورد این سیاست توضیح می دهید و پاسخ خود را در رابطه با موضعی که اتخاذ کردید تشریح کنید. برای توسعه و حمایت از موضع خود باید پیامدهای ممکن ناشی از اجرای این سیاست را در نظر گرفته و توضیح دهید چطور این پیامدها، موضع شما را شکل می دهد.


  • وظیفه موسسات آموزشی، راهنمایی دانشجویان در خصوص تحصیل در بهترین رشته برای تضمین آینده شان است. بنابراین، تشویق دانشجویان به انتخاب رشته های پردرآمد برای موفقیت در آینده می‌تواند به آنها کمک کند.


  • دانشجویان باید آزاد باشد تا رشته مورد علاقه خودشان را در دانشگاه برای ادامه تحصیل انتخاب کنند. بنابراین، نقش موسسات آموزشی تدریس کردن رشته مورد نظر دانشجویان به بهترین نحو ممکن است تا در آن به عنوان یک متخصص، درآمدزایی داشته باشند، نه تشویق کردن آنها به رشته های پردرآمد.
  • درآمدزایی از یک شغل به خود دانشجو بستگی دارد و ممکن است بعضی از دانشجویان در رشته هایی که پیش از این کم درآمد تصور می‌شد، کارآفرینی داشته باشند و یک شغل پردرآمد از آن ایجاد کنند.
  • پردرآمد بودن یک شغل ثبات چندانی ندارد و ممکن است تا زمانی که دانشجو تحصیل خود را به پایان می رساند مشکلاتی در سر آن شغل به وجود آمده و دیگر درآمدزایی چندانی نداشته باشد.
  • هر دانشجویی توانایی و مهارت های خاص خود را دارد و موسسات آموزشی باید بتوانند دانشجو را با توجه به مهارت ها و استعدادهایش راهنمایی کنند که بهترین شغل را انتخاب کند چون می‌تواند در آن شغلی درآمدزایی داشته باشد.
  • تشویق دانشجویان به تحصیل در رشته‌های خاص که پردرآمد هستند می تواند به اعتبار یک موسسه آموزشی لطمه بزند.
  • اگر دانشجویان به رشته ای که در آن تحصیل می کنند علاقه ای نداشته باشند حتی اگر آن رشته جزو پردرآمدترین مشاغل باشد، احتمال موفقیت آنها بسیار کم است چون هیچ تلاشی برای یادگیری آن نخواهند کرد و شاید اصلاً در این رشته استعداد نداشته باشند.


Restate the Issue:
Restate the issue, perhaps by reversing the order of the sentence components.
In other words:
To prepare their students for lucrative careers, educational institutions should actively encourage their students
Determine what question is being answered by the statement. This will help you begin to think how you would answer it and whether or not you agree with the original statement.
Which fields of study should educational institutions actively encourage their students to choose?
Parts of the original statement that provide evidence that you can affirm or refute.
a) Educational institutions – Does this include technical schools, education one may receive in the military, etc.?
b) actively encourage – implies promoting through direct contact with students, advertising, etc.
Next, create a statement that expresses the opposing viewpoint, using language similar to that of the original statement."

Opposing viewpoint:
Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for careers that are in high demand.
Educational institutions should not actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that prepare them for only lucrative careers.
Parts of the opposing statement that provide evidence that you can affirm or refute
a) high demand – more jobs available increases the likelihood of finding work
Is there any other way to look at this issue? Can you qualify the original statement in some way? Is it possible to partially agree with the statement?

Alternative viewpoint:
Overlooking less lucrative careers will create lack of practitioners in other vital areas.
Parts of the alternative statement that provide evidence that you can affirm or refute.
a) create a lack – there will not be people seeking jobs that are not lucrative
b) vital – jobs that are necessary to provide safety

Sample 1:

The job market is highly competitive. Many college graduates have failed to find work in their chosen careers, and many have even returned home to live with their parents. The demand for practitioners in some careers has risen while the demand for others has fallen. Presuming that students who study for jobs in lucrative careers will have more luck finding employment may be shortsighted. Considering the vagaries of today's workplace, students should pursue courses of study for careers they will find rewarding in ways other than just financially.

Literature is replete with tales that warn us of the dire consequences attached to the pursuit of money. Charles Dickens gave us the character, Ebenezer Scrooge, as a morality lesson to demonstrate how focusing on the acquisition of wealth leads to loneliness and bitterness. In Greek mythology, one finds King Midas who was able to turn everything he touched to gold. His downfall came when he touched his beloved daughter, also turning her to a lifeless statue made of gold. Readers of such tales are meant to infer that relationships are more important than any amount of money.

It has been said, "Do what you love, and the money will follow." Choosing a career one loves will make it easy to go to work each day. A small business owner who sells a product he loves will convey that affection to his customers. They will enjoy shopping with him and recommend his store to their friends and family. As his customer base expands, he will sell more products and make more money. In contrast, the shop owner who works only for the money may resent spending his days doing something he doesn't enjoy, and his attitude may be reflected in his treatment of customers. His pursuit of money alone may lead to the opposite result as his customers desert him for more pleasant experiences elsewhere.

Over time, demand for practitioners in various careers ebbs and wanes. At one time, teachers were in short supply, so high school graduates went to college to become teachers. In a short span of time, there was a surplus of newly–minted educators, many of whom could not find jobs in their chosen careers. The practice of law promises great financial rewards. More people have trained for that route to riches than there are positions to be filled, and many lawyers now occupy places in graduate schools to learn a new skill.

Adopting this policy not only leads to a glut of people trained for lucrative careers but leads to a shortage of people trained to fill lower–paying but, nonetheless, important positions. If people seek only lucrative jobs, institutions will lack custodians to clean and maintain their facilities. Small–town police and fire departments will lack sufficient personnel to ensure the safety of their communities.

Following a career path for any reason other than love of the work involved with it will certainly lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness. The young woman who wants nothing more than to dance all day long will be happier working for union scale in a dance troupe than seeking a management position in a bank.

Just yesterday, Pope Francis repeated the biblical warning; the love of money is the root of all evil. Encouraging students to seek only money rather than intangible rewards leads to the downfall of individuals or large groups of people. The Ponzi scheme created by Bernie Madoff is a prime example. He convinced people to invest their life savings in his company which was nothing but a house of cards. When it collapsed, ordinary people lost everything; Madoff, himself, went to prison, and his son committed suicide.

In order to function, the world needs people to fill a wide variety of jobs. Not all are lucrative, but they ensure the safety of the world’s citizens by protecting them from crime, disease, and disasters. These occupations produce rewards that cannot be purchased with any amount of money.

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