GRE Issue Topic 14

GRE Issue Topic 14


Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives.

Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.

برخی معتقدند که رهبران سیاسی برای اثرگذاری باید به افکار عمومی تن بدهند و اصول را به خاطر سازش کنار بگذارند. برخی دیگر معتقدند که اساسی ترین ویژگی یک رهبر موثر، توانایی پایبندی مداوم به اصول و اهداف خاص است.

پاسخی بنویسید که در آن بحث کنید کدام دیدگاه بیشتر با نظر شما همسو است و استدلال خود را برای این موضع گیری توضیح دهید. در توسعه و حمایت از موقعیت خود، باید به هر دو دیدگاه ارائه شده توجه کنید.

تجزیه و تحلیل دیدگاه اول

  • گاهی اوقات رهبران سیاسی باید با توجه به نظرات عموم مردم برخی قوانین را تغییر بدهند و این معنای دموکراسی است و اگر قرار باشد رهبران سیاسی فقط بر اساس نظر و عقیده خود یک جامعه را هدایت کنند، دیکتاتوری به وجود می‌آید که برای رهبری یک جامعه می تواند پیامدهای منفی را به دنبال داشته باشد. به عنوان مثال هیتلر بدون توجه به عقاید عمومی فقط به جنگیدن و برنده شدن فکر می‌کرد و با این دیکتاتوری جان هزاران نفر را به خطر انداخت.
  • در بعضی شرایط بحرانی تغییر قوانین و یا زیر پا گذاشتن اصول، ضروری به نظر می رسد. رهبران سیاسی باید افکار عمومی را نیز در نظر گرفته و عموم مردم را از سیاستمداری خود راضی نگه دارند. اما سیاستمداران با کفایت افرادی هستند که با در نظر گرفتن جنبه های مثبت و منفی و مشورت با افرادی که در این زمینه تجربه کافی دارند، تصمیم خود را در خصوص تغییر قوانین می‌گیرند.
  • رهبران سیاسی باید اهداف مشخص و با ثباتی داشته باشند. اگر قرار است قوانین را تغییر دهند این کار باید با توجه به نظر عموم مردم و در جهت اهدافی که از ابتدا داشتند، انجام گیرد و نه برخلاف آنها.

تجزیه و تحلیل دیدگاه دوم

  • سیاستمداران که اهداف مشخصی دارند و بر سر رسیدن به آن اهداف، تا پای جان نیز می جنگند، در بین مردم اعتبار بیشتری دارند. بنابراین، سیاست مداران نباید با توجه به نظر مردم، دیدگاه ها و اهداف خود را تغییر دهند بلکه آنها باید تصمیماتی که در راستای منفعت مردم است را با قاطعیت اجرا کنند و برای آن ها ایستادگی کنند.
  • سیاستمداران نباید به فکر مصالحه کردن یا کوتاه آمدن از سر اصول شان باشند بلکه آنها باید با قاطعیت اصول و اهداف شان را دنبال کنند و برای رسیدن به آنها ایستادگی کنند. به این ترتیب معتبر تر و قابل اعتماد تر خواهند بود. مثلاً آبراهام لینکلن (Abraham Lincoln) به خاطر حقوق سیاهپوستان ایستادگی کرد و در تاریخ ماندگار شد.
  • یک رهبر یا سیاستمدار از هر حزبی که باشد با اصول، قوانین و اهدافی که از ابتدا تعیین کرده، شناخته می‌شود و عموم مردم نیز او را به خاطر همین اهداف و اعتقاداتش انتخاب کرده‌اند. بنابراین اگر در میانه راه، اهداف خود را تغییر بدهد، در جامعه هرج و مرج به وجود آمده و شخصیت او نیز زیر سوال خواهد رفت.


Combine the claim and reason into one statement using a subordinate clause
Restate the Issue:
Consider each view separately before deciding which of them you most closely agree with.

Point of view 1: Restate the position using negative terminology.
In other words:
Some people believe that political leaders who do not yield to public opinion and fail to compromise cannot be effective.
Think about the question that is being answered by the statement.
What should political leaders do to be effective?
Now identify elements in the statement that can provide evidence for you to affirm or refute.
a) Some people – This implies that there are two sides to the issue. Not all people agree with position 1.
b) effective – To be effective is to have an effect on something or to effect or create a change.
c) yield – To yield is to give up something. Yielding to an opponent is generally to surrender your own ideas.
d) public opinion – One generally thinks of majority opinion in this case. The entire public never seems to share the same opinion.
e) abandon – This is a strong word. Abandoning an object, person, or idea is likely permanent.
f) principle – A principle is akin to an ideal. Principles develop over a period of years and determine what individuals find acceptable or unacceptable.
g) sake – Sake is a synonym for interest or benefit.
h) compromise – In compromise, all parties give up something. The phrase, a strong compromise, is oxymoronic.

Point of view 2: Restate the position using negative terminology.
In other words:
Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the refusal to abandon principles and objectives to which they are committed.
This statement answers the same question as the first statement does.
Now, identify the elements in this statement that can provide evidence for you to affirm or refute.
a) others – Like some people in the first point of view, others are not inclusive. It could just as easily be some.
b) most essential – This phrase contains redundancies. Essential is the most; nothing is more needed than the essential part.
c) consistently committed – A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Consistently means that circumstances cannot affect one’s commitment to an idea, person, etc.
d) objectives – Objectives must be accomplished on the way to reaching a goal.
The directions do not allow for alternative positions. Even though you may not be in complete agreement with either of the positions, you must decide which one most closely matches the way that you think about the issue. Make certain to acknowledge the opposite viewpoint as you develop your response.

Sample 1:

More than a century ago, Ralph Waldo Emerson said that a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. When one becomes enamored of an idea or principle, he or she becomes blind to alternatives. It is as though a hobgoblin or little monster has entered the imagination and blocked off new ideas or the ability to see a different perspective. When opposing parties in a debate refuse to acknowledge any value in their opponents’ ideas, nothing is accomplished. We certainly see this in the United States Congress today. Poll numbers are on the decline for the President and most senators and representatives because of their inability to get anything done. Compromise may seem like giving in or giving up, but the alternative is to leave problems unsolved.

The United States may have been governed very differently than it is today if it were not for the Great Compromise. In the early days of America, there was heated debate about the way states would be represented in the national government. One plan called for a unicameral congress where the number of representatives from each state would be based on the state’s population. This plan favored states with larger populations. The other plan stated that each state should have the same number of representatives, again in a unicameral legislature. This would leave the people in states with larger populations underserved. The Great Compromise created the bicameral system we have today in America. One body, the Senate, is comprised of two senators from each state, creating a body in which each state, regardless of population, is represented equally. The lower house, the House of Representatives, is comprised of representatives from each state based on population. In this manner, most citizens of the United States are served equally by their elected officials.

The world has become increasingly complex since those early days of America and debate still rages in the halls of government in Washington, DC. A flagging economy, rising unemployment, greater numbers of housing foreclosures, threats to entitlement programs, and bank failures have sparked contrasting ideas about fixes for these problems. Citizens watch while their President or senator or congressmen declare to the media that there will be no bill if their own ideas are not included. Those whose terms in congress next year are already making campaign promises with no sufficient plan to pay for those promises.

Therefore, there must be compromise. After all, promise is part of compromise. Those who are retired or near retirement worry about proposed cuts to Social Security and/or Medicare, and the young workers worry about rising taxes to pay for those entitlements and wonder what will be left for them when they reach retirement age. Current and prospective workers worry about the exportation of jobs to other countries while they are trying to pay for their homes or save money to send their children to college. Students in college worry about the debt they will be saddled with after graduation and if there will be jobs for them once they have their sheepskin in hand. The President and Congress should look to the past and see that compromise was the vehicle that placed them in the positions they now have. They must combine their promises for the good of every citizen. 


Sample 2:

Leaders at all levels are confronted with the question that when should they hold on to a particular issue and when should they let it go and yield to public opinion? Great artists and thinkers may have decided to stick to their principles as they could have easily afforded to do so. The decisions taken by political leaders affect the entire nation and hence they have to think a lot before choosing between compromises and sticking to their principles. There are many times in the life of a leader when he has to decide between going in for a compromise and standing firm on principles. Successful leaders are those who make more number of correct decisions than the wrong ones, irrespective of whether these decisions were an outcome of a compromise or persuasion of their principles. Therefore, the decision making strategy for political leaders is a blend of yielding to public opinion and sticking to their principles in varying proportions.

There are unwritten rules that suggest when a political leader should ideally stand firm and when he should be willing to compromise on an issue. A political leader can opt for a compromise when the issue being addressed is not very critical or when the results of the compromise could lead to major benefits for the country. At times, being unnecessarily rigid may lead to damage that cannot be undone. The situation that arises out of this rigid attitude of political leaders may lead to further worsening of the situation and the leaders may be forced to compromise in the end but the administration would have already borne the damages incurred because of the rigidity of the leaders. There might be countrywide protests and violent movements as a result of the decisions being taken by the leadership. The dilemma increases manifold for political leaders as a wrong decision may permanently damage their image among the masses. The decision making process is further complicated by the correlation between popular or politically correct decisions and the apparently harsh decisions that can bear rich dividends in the longer run. There is no simple way of making correct decisions. It is a matter of making the correct judgment from amongst the options available.

History provides enough examples where there were cases in which opting for a compromise would have been a better option, while in others, a little more persuasion would have been better so that the principles were adhered to. During World War II, Adolf Hitler refused to let his soldiers abandon positions as he believed that soldiers should never retreat. However, later it was realized that if he had allowed withdrawing at critical times, and then counterattacking, he could have been more successful. We all are aware of the accusations being made against President George W. Bush that he is making an error by pursuing his policies on Iraq. However, Winston Churchill’s uncompromising resolve during World War II was eventually justified.

Therefore, certain cases require that the political leaders step back and accept a dilution of their principles so that the issues can be resolved in a way that is the best in the interest of the nation. However, there may be cases where the political leaders have to stick to the principles no matter how strong the opposition is, especially when the principle is such that abandoning it will affect the nation drastically.

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