GRE Argument Topic 24

GRE Argument Topic 24


The following appeared in the summary of a study on headaches suffered by the residents of Mentia.

"Salicylates are members of the same chemical family as aspirin, a medicine used to treat headaches. Although many foods are naturally rich in salicylates, for the past several decades, food-processing companies have also been adding salicylates to foods as preservatives. This rise in the commercial use of salicylates has been found to correlate with a steady decline in the average number of headaches reported by participants in our twenty-year study. Recently, food-processing companies have found that salicylates can also be used as flavor additives for foods. With this new use for salicylates, we can expect a continued steady decline in the number of headaches suffered by the average citizen of Mentia."

Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.

موارد زیر در خلاصه ای از مطالعه در مورد سردردهایی که ساکنان Mentia از آن رنج می برند، آمده است. "سالیسیلات ها از خانواده شیمیایی آسپرین، دارویی هستند که برای درمان سردرد استفاده می شود. مشخص شده است که این افزایش در استفاده تجاری از سالیسیلاتها با کاهش مداوم میزان متوسط ​​سردرد گزارش شده توسط شرکت کنندگان در مطالعه بیست ساله ما در ارتباط است. اخیراً، شرکت های فرآوری مواد غذایی دریافته اند که سالیسیلات ها همچنین می توانند به عنوان مواد افزودنی طعم دهنده برای غذاها استفاده شوند. با این استفاده جدید از سالیسیلات ها، ما انتظار داریم که به طور مداوم تعداد سردردهایی که به طور متوسط ​​شهروندان Mentia از  آنها رنج می برند، کاهش یابد. "
پاسخی بنویسید و در آن توضیح دهید که چه مستندات خاصی برای ارزیابی بحث لازم است و شرح دهید که چگونه این مستندات می تواند بحث را تضعیف یا تقویت کند.

NOTE: The above topic has wording similar to Argument Tasks 22 and 26 of this Website. However, if you read carefully you will notice that the topic and the task instructions are different. Hence, it is very important to read the topic as well as its instructions completely before you start to write your response.

Salicylates as flavor enhancers as well as preservatives will have an even greater ability to reduce the incidence of headaches in Mentia.

Facts and Assumptions:
a) Salicylates are members of the same chemical family as aspirin. The assumption is that they would act in the same manner as aspirin, that Salicylates are pain relievers.
b) Many foods are rich in Salicylates. One might assume that eating a diet comprised of those foods would help to prevent pain.
c) Food processing companies have been adding Salicylates to food as preservatives for several decades.
d) There has been a steady decline in the number of headaches reported by participants in a twenty-year study. The fact that this is a long-term study lends credence to any results reported out of it. The assumption is that the food additive has had a palliative effect on headaches.
e) The rise in the commercial use of Salicylates correlates with a reduction in headaches reported by participants in the study. This is an example of cause and effect.
f) Food companies have discovered that Salicylates can be used as flavor additives for foods. The assumption is that the companies will begin using Salicylates in this manner and that headaches will decline in greater numbers. An additional assumption is that people will buy these foods, perhaps in response to their greater curative powers.
Your notes do not have to be exhaustive. As you begin to write your essay, your brain will generate new ideas. Make certain that you keep the directions in mind as you develop your ideas.

NOTE: The above topic has wording similar to Argument Tasks 22 and 26 of this Website. However, if you read carefully you will notice that the topic and the task instructions are different. Hence, it is very important to read the topic as well as its instructions completely before you start to write your response.

Sample 1:

Although the results of the study suggest a direct link between the addition of Salicylates as a food preservative and a reduction in the reported number of headaches by participants in a study, blanks remain to be filled. Headaches can be annoying for some but debilitating for others. Treating headaches medically is a multi-million dollar industry. Treating headaches with a product that people are going to buy and consume as a matter of course would save individuals considerable amounts of money. The strength of the argument relies on evidence to support it.

The author of the study cited here purports that a reduction in headaches is linked to the addition of Salicylates as a preservative in processed foods. The reader needs evidence that the participants in the study actually ate a large amount of those foods on a regular basis. A question that arises concerns other treatments for headaches. Did the study participants use any analgesics to treat the headaches? Did they eat foods naturally high in Salicylates in addition to the processed foods? The participants may have sought alternative treatment such as acupuncture to relieve their headaches.

Will there be a further decline in the number of headaches when food processing companies use additional Salicylates in their products? It may be that the effectiveness of Salicylates has reached a saturation point. Compare this to the effectiveness of the humble aspirin. If two aspirin relieve a headache, would three be more palliative? What about side effects? Does the consumption of Salicylates in processed food cause some of the same complications as aspirin does? Some people are discouraged from taking aspirin because of its blood-thinning properties. Should the same caution be attached to Salicylates?

How does the addition of Salicylates affect the cost of processed food? Will adding even more, further raise prices? If that is the case, consumers may be reluctant to buy the products. Another factor to consider is the current move to natural and organic foods. Headache sufferers may decide that foods grown and processed without additional chemicals may have beneficial health effects.
At the very least, the reader needs more details about the lifestyles of the study participants to determine if Salicylates in processed food are the real heroes in this scenario. When all is revealed, the prediction about a further decline in headaches may not hold water.

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