GRE Issue Topic 49

GRE Issue Topic 49


Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

جوانان باید تشویق شوند تا اهداف بلند مدت و واقع بینانه را، به جای اینکه به دنبال شهرت و شناخت فوری باشند، دنبال کنند.

پاسخی بنویسید که در آن درمورد موافقت یا مخالفت با این جمله بحث کنید و استدلال خود را درباره موضع گیری خود توضیح دهید. در توسعه و حمایت از موضع خود، باید شرایط خاصی را توضیح دهید که در آن، پذیرفتن این توصیه ممکن است مفید باشد یا نباشد و توضیح دهید که این مثال ها چگونه موضع شما را شکل می دهند.


  • اهداف بلندمدت راه درست رسیدن به موفقیت در آینده است و باعث می‌شود که افراد با کار و تلاش خود به نتیجه برسند به جای این که از میانبرها فقط برای رسیدن به شهرت بدون تلاش استفاده کنند.
  • اهداف واقعی و بلندمدت از ناامید شدن آن جلوگیری می کند چون زمانی که افراد با توجه به استعدادها و قابلیت های خود اهداف بلندمدت و واقعی در نظر می‌گیرند، در رسیدن به آنها نیز موفق خواهند بود.
  • افرادی که در زمینه ای به سرعت به شهرت می‌رسند معمولاً به سرعت نیز فراموش می‌شوند و بعد دچار ضربه روحی شدیدی خواهند شد.
  • جوانان باید به درستی هدایت و راهنمایی شوند. مادر و پدر، آموزگاران و اساتید باید الگوهای مناسبی را به جوانان معرفی کنند تا آنها بتوانند اهداف واقعی و بلند مدتی را در زندگی خود برنامه ریزی کنند و به آنها دست یابند.
  • قهرمانانی که با تلاش خود و با برنامه‌ریزی در طولانی مدت به شهرت رسیده اند شهرت پایداری دارند و تا ابد در ذهن انسانها ماندگارند. در صورتی که افرادی که با روش های مختلف در مدت کوتاهی به شهرت رسیده اند به سرعت نیز این شهرت را از دست داده و فراموش شدند چون با تلاش خود به آن جایگاه نرسیده بودند.
  • جوانانی که اهداف آینده خود را مشخص کرده اند قدم های مثبتی در این زمینه بر می دارند و برای جامعه و کشور خود مفید واقع می شوند.
  • جوانانی که دوست دارند یک شبه به شهرت برسند معمولاً فریب افراد کلاهبردار و سودجو را می‌خورند که به آنها روشهای غیرقانونی پیشنهاد می‌دهند که می‌تواند آنها را به شهرت برساند اما زمانی که جوانان متوجه اشتباه خود می‌شوند که نه تنها به شهرت نرسیده‌اند بلکه در این راه هزینه های بسیاری کردند و سرمایه خود را نیز از دست داده اند.
  • جامعه و دولت باید زمینه ای را ایجاد کنند که افراد بتوانند به اهداف بلندمدت خود دست پیدا کنند اما زمانی که جوانان از رسیدن به اهداف خود با تلاش کردن، ناامید شوند، ممکن است دست به کارهایی بزنند که یک شبه آنها را به موفقیت برساند مثلاً افرادی که دست به دزدی های بزرگ مثل سرقت از بانک می زنند معمولاً از رسیدن به موفقیت در آینده خود ناامید شدند و انتظار دارند که با دزدی یک شبه پولدار شوند.


  • اگر فردی رسیدن به شهرت را دوست داشته باشد، در این راه تلاش می‌کند و به نتیجه خواهد رسید. رسیدن به شهرت می تواند هدفی باشد که اعتماد به نفس فرد را افزایش داده و در او انگیزه ایجاد کند که به موفقیت برسد.
  • افرادی که قصد دارند به شهرت برسند معمولاً قابلیت‌ها و استعدادهای خود را شناسایی کرده‌اند و استقامت کافی در آن راه دارند تا به هدف برسند.
  • افرادی که اهداف بلند مدت را دنبال می‌کنند می‌توانند به شهرت نیز برسند چون معمولاً با تلاش خود به دستاوردهایی خواهند رسید که موجب مشهور شدن آنها خواهد شد.


Restate the issue perhaps by reversing the order of the sentence components.
In other words:
Rather than seek immediate fame and recognition, young people should be encouraged to pursue long–term realistic goals.
Determine what question is being answered by the statement. This will help you begin to think how you would answer it and whether or not you agree with the original statement.
Should young people pursue long–term goals or seek immediate fame and recognition?
Parts of the original statement that provide evidence that you can affirm or refute.
a) young people – They are less likely to have the necessary maturity or skills to create goals
b) encouraged – Provide reasons and information to help them rather than set the goals for them
c) long–term – Goals that will not be achieved quickly
d) realistic – Goals should be based on one's ability to achieve them
e) immediate – Right now or in the near future; in the context of the statement, it has a negative connotation
f) fame – Fame is a result of a variety of accomplishments, and, in this context, seems undesirable
g) recognition – Recognition implies acknowledgement of good deeds or accomplishments
Next, create a statement that expresses the opposing viewpoint, using language similar to that of the original statement.

Opposing viewpoint:
Young people should be encouraged to seek immediate fame and recognition rather than pursue long–term, realistic goals.
The evidence in this viewpoint is essentially the same as in the original. Is there any other way to look at this issue? Can you qualify the original statement in some way? Is it possible to partially agree with the statement?
Alternative viewpoint:
Young people should be encouraged to pursue long–term, realistic goals as well as immediate fame and recognition.
a) as well as – Both options should be available
List some circumstances under which each might be true.

a) Advances in medicine occur as a result of long–range planning and study.
b) Business success derives from long–range planning.
c) A secure retirement requires planning and saving over many years.
d) Immediate fame is a suitable goal for professional athletes, whose careers are generally short–lived.

Sample 1:

For most young people, setting long–term, realistic goals is the route to lifetime success. Those who choose this route are less likely to experience failure and become discouraged. However, setting long–term, realistic goals is not the best choice for some, and notable exceptions exist today and throughout history that demonstrate the wisdom of their choices. Those with special talents may be better served by seeking immediate fame and recognition.

The world of professional sports is populated by stellar athletes who made the decision to seek immediate fame and recognition. It used to be that those seeking careers as professional athletes would first complete a college degree and, then, enter the draft. In recent years, it has become more common for those with high–level skills to leave college early or never attend at all and be drafted right out of high school. Kobe Bryant and LeBron James went directly from high school to the NBA. At the ripe old age of eighteen, each was making millions of dollars per year. Would four years of college hoops have made them better players? Perhaps not. They may have run the risk of career–ending injuries, ultimately ending any chance of signing multi–year, multi–million dollar contracts. Seeking immediate fame and recognition was the right decision for these two superstars, both of whom have won multiple NBA championships with their teams.

Examples abound in the world of the arts of those whose talents may not have been recognized or rewarded had they been advised to set realistic goals. Every year, hundreds of thousands of hopefuls’ audition for American Idol. Rather than testing their talents in small clubs or enduring rounds of auditions, these young singers take a single shot at the big time. Only one of them can win the prize, relegating the remainder to the ranks of also–rans. In the case of the winner and a select few of the top ten, great success ensues. In 2012, Phil Phillips won, and the song written for him to sing in the finale became the theme of the American gymnastics team at the London Olympics. Still a teenager, Phillips gained immediate fame and recognition. Had he not taken a chance on American Idol, he may have continued to sing in church and the school choir, and singing might have become a pleasant pastime in his adult life.

Situations do exist where long–term, realistic goals are more likely to ensure success. Medical research comes to mind. As scientists search for cures or treatments for serious, even deadly, diseases or genetic conditions, they must meticulously test and retest, create scientific trials, and seek FDA approval before releasing new drugs on the market. This process can take many years, and virtually none of those individual scientists gains fame or recognition.

A young woman from my home town set a long–term goal for her life when she was a small child. She wanted to be an astronaut when she grew up. Toward that end, Jessica Meir worked hard in school and graduated as valedictorian of her class. She went on to Brown University and obtained her first degree. She completed research at the Scripps Oceanographic institute, becoming an aquanaut. Eventually, she attended the International Space University in Strasbourg, France. At the time of her selection as one of eight in the newest class of NASA astronauts she was an assistant professor of anesthesiology at Harvard. Now in her mid–thirties, Jessica has reached her lifelong goal by systematically setting a course that would lead her there. It is important to note that Jessica was not selected the first time she applied to become an astronaut, but she stayed the course and, eventually, reached her destination.

In reality, the vast majority of us benefit from setting long–term goals. The finish line is far in the future, and we will get there one step at a time. Making long–term, realistic goals will keep us from becoming discouraged or quitting altogether. Even very talented individuals sometimes spurn the chance for early fame and recognition in order to avoid the stress and public scrutiny that attend them. Young people should be encouraged to take the path that best suits their talents and circumstances.


Sample 2:

We all aim to achieve great heights in our professional front. Nothing comes easy in this world. We all have to strive hard to achieve our aim in life. It is very well said that timely hard work leads to sweet fruit of success. All those who work hard in their lives taste the sweet fruit of success. The present generation is forgetting the true meaning of success. The younger generation is aiming at getting overnight success in their careers. In the present scenario nobody wants to work hard for success but they want success on the very first step of their careers. I believe that the younger generation should be shown the true path of hard work and success as that would lead to their true success. They should be encouraged to get their final goal in life rather than running after momentarily success.

We all fight in our lives to prove ourselves in the rat race of earning our livelihood. We all are in a hurry to prove ourselves in our respective fields. In this run the true essence of success is getting lost. The present generation is running after only fame and recognition. This is resulting in adoption of wrong means to do work to obtain success. The need for success is making people blind and they are instigated to adopt all the wrong means to fulfill their aim. We have numerous examples of people from our past generation who struggled in their lives and came out shining bright in their respective fields. There is no denying that sheer hard work surely pays. There is a very famous saying that slow and steady wins the race. It is correct in context to all fields of life. When in life we are deliberate in making our decisions then the outcome is remarkable as the decision was well thought over. Therefore, the chances of doing something wrong are minimized to a great extend. The various technological developments which are the result of many years of research and hard work have made our day to day life easy and simple. The scientists have put in so much effort and hard work in inventing all such innovations. Therefore hard work has always resulted in remarkable achievements.

Although the outcome of hard work is always credible but people who get instant fame and recognition in life are hardworking too. It is the creativity of those persons that has shown them the doors of success in life. In spite of the fact that few people are successful early in their life it certainly does not mean that the way to success is always short. Those who strive hard always get blessed with success in life. Therefore, younger generation should be encouraged to achieve their long term goals rather than running after short term success. Short term success is short lived and long term goals yield true success in life.

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