GRE Issue Topic 20

GRE Issue Topic 20


Claim: The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models.

Reason: Heroes and role models reveal a society's highest ideals.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

ادعا: بهترین راه برای درک شخصیت یک جامعه بررسی شخصیت مردان و زنانی است که مردم جامعه، آنها را به عنوان قهرمانان یا الگوهای خود انتخاب می کنند.

دلیل: قهرمانان و الگوها بالاترین ایده آل های جامعه را نشان می دهند.

پاسخی بنویسید که در آن درباره اینکه تا چه میزان  با  این ادعا و دلیلی که ادعا بر مبنای آن پایه گذاری شده است، موافق یا مخالف هستید، بحث کنید.


  • از آنجایی که مردم یک جامعه اکثرا از افراد مشهور و کسانی که آنها را به عنوان قهرمان می شناسند، تبعیت می کنند و الگو می گیرند این ادعا درست است تا جایی که به عنوان مثال می‌بینیم بسیاری از بازیگران مشهور مثل آنجلینا جولی (Angelina Jolie) به عنوان سفیران حقوق بشر مردم را تشویق می‌کنند که به زندگی افراد فقیر و کودکان بی‌سرپرست اهمیت بدهند و جامعه از آنها الگوبرداری کرده و از رفتار آنها تقلید می‌کند.
  • افراد مشهور جامعه به خصوص اگر جایگاهی در بین دولت و سیاستمداران داشته باشند می توانند افکار عمومی را به هر سمتی که دوست دارند، بکشند یا مردم را مجبور کنند به روشی که آنها دوست دارند، زندگی کنند. کیم جونگ اون (Kim Jung-un) در کره شمالی تمام تفکرات خود را به مردم تحمیل کرده و آنها مجبور کرده از رفتارهای او الگوبرداری کنند.
  • افراد مشهور جامعه می توانند از لحاظ فرهنگی و اجتماعی اثر بسیار زیادی روی رفتار جامعه داشته باشند. بیشتر افراد یک جامعه نیز سعی می کنند، رفتار خود را شبیه آن ها نشان دهند. برابراین مطالعه رفتار افراد مشهور می‌تواند برای شناخت رفتار کل مردم مفید واقع شود.
  • شخصیت یک جامعه را ارزش ها، عقاید، انتظارات و معیارهای جامعه تعیین می کند که به طور ایده‌آل می توان با مطالعه شخصیت های مشهور و قهرمانان مورد پذیرش یک جامعه، تمام این موارد را تشخیص داد و در نتیجه فعالیت یک جامعه نیز تا حدودی مشخص می شود.


  • شاید مطالعه رفتار افراد مشهور و قهرمان آن جامعه تاحدودی بتواند درباره ارزش های آن جامعه اطلاعاتی را به دست دهد اما با این حال فاکتورهای دیگری نیز وجود دارد که می تواند تاثیر بیشتری نسبت به رفتار افراد مشهور روی شخصیت جامعه داشته باشد. به‌عنوان مثال، دستاوردهای علمی یا فرهنگی یک جامعه، میزان آگاهی، نوآوری و پیشرفت هایی که در جامعه وجود دارد، جایگاه خانواده و ازدواج و ...
  • افراد مشهور یا قهرمانان یک جامعه هرکدام در یک زمینه خاصی به عنوان الگو در نظر گرفته می‌شوند. به‌عنوان مثال لیونل مسی (Lionel Messi) به عنوان یک ورزشکار و فوتبالیست مشهور شناخته می‌شود و همه افرادی که در این زمینه فعالیت می کنند، او را به عنوان الگوی خود در نظر می گیرند و دوست دارند به جایگاه او در فوتبال برسند. اما مسی در زمینه های دیگر، الگو نیست پس نمی تواند بیانگر شخصیت بخش دیگری از جامعه باشد. به عنوان مثال در پزشکی یا در معماری، الگوها، افراد دیگری هستند و نمی توان یک مجموعه کلی از تمام افراد مشهور یا الگوهایی که در جامعه پذیرفته شده اند، تهیه کرد و تمام آنها را مورد بررسی قرار داد.
  • مطالعه رفتار تمام افراد مشهور و قهرمانان یک جامعه امکانپذیر نیست و ممکن است در یک روستای کوچک الگو یا قهرمانان آنها، معلمی باشد که سالیان سال بدون هیچ چشمداشتی به بچه های روستا آموزش داده است. پیدا کردن این الگوها بسیار مشکل است. بنابراین، برای شناخت شخصیت یک جامعه بهتر است افراد آن جامعه به دسته های مشخصی تقسیم شوند و الگوهای رفتاری این افراد به طور جداگانه مورد بررسی قرار گیرد.


Restate the Issue:
In this case, try inverting the clauses.
In other words:
Examining the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models is the best way to understand the character of that society.
You could also determine what question is being answered by the issue statement.
What is the best way to understand the character of a society?
Or: What is revealed about a society by examining the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models?

Considering how you would answer one or both of the questions may help you to decide to what degree you agree with the original issue statement.
Now think about the part of the original statement that provides evidence that you can affirm or refute.
a) best way – Best is the superlative form of good. Any other way would be inferior or produce unsatisfactory results.
b) understand – To understand does not mean to validate or agree with an idea. Does examination of the character of a nation’s heroes lead to understanding the society? Is this information just one part of a country’s character?
c) character of a society – Character implies the breadth of morality displayed by a society. It can be negative or positive, strong or weak.
d) examine – An examination involves close scrutiny. It means holding something under a microscope to view its smallest parts and then determining how those parts affect or fit into the whole.
e) chooses – Choice implies free will. Does every society allow its men and women to choose their heroes and role models? What about countries that have dictatorships or autocracies?
f) heroes or its role models – Listing them separately suggests that role models are not necessarily heroes and vice versa. Can someone act heroically and still have attributes that would not make him or her suitable role model? Does heroism depend on special circumstances?

Opposing viewpoint:
Examining the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models is not the best way to understand the character of that society.
Identify the parts of the opposing statement that provide evidence to affirm or refute. In this case, the only difference is the word, not.
a) not – This can be read in two ways. On one hand, it could mean that one should avoid examining the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models. On the other hand, the statement could imply that this is not the best way or the only way to understand the character of a society.

Is there any other way to look at this issue? Can you qualify the original statement in some way? Is it partially true? Do heroes and role models remain constant? Do they carry over from generation to generation?

New viewpoint:
One way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models.
Or: Because heroes and role models are temporary, the character of a society based on its choice of heroes and role models can only be understood for a specific period in its history.
Identify the parts of the alternate viewpoint that provide evidence to affirm or refute.
a) temporary – People are fickle. Whom they consider to be heroes and role models today may not be the same as those they select tomorrow.
b) specific period in its history – Events conspire to create heroes and role models. As the events change, so do the heroes and role models that arise from them.

Because heroes and role models are temporary, the character of a society based on its choice of heroes and role models can only be understood for a specific period in its history.
Examples and Reasons:
a) President Obama – His stature as a hero and/or role model has changed since he first decided to run for office.
b) Charles Barkley – One–time bad boy of the NBA who said, “I am not a role model.

Sample 1:

Cultures throughout history have been analyzed based on the artifacts they left behind, including architecture, art, writing, household items, and clothing. Archeologists have been able to extrapolate information about a culture's government, scientific knowledge, standard of living, diet, and cosmology. Burial mounds, pyramids, and cave drawings reveal the relative importance of and reverence accorded to individuals in the cultures that produced them. When history began to be recorded in a more systematic manner, writers left records of those who became heroes and role models. Those heroes and role models certainly influenced their cultures, from fashion to morals. That influence, however, was fleeting, and it was not long before someone new became the "flavor of the month". In fact, it may have been the events in history that influenced which men and women were elevated to the status of heroes and role models. The rapid pace of change today makes it nearly impossible to analyze a culture’s character based on who is selected to represent the ideal for, as Andy Warhol is credited with saying, everyone will enjoy fifteen minutes of fame.

Charles Barkley, former NBA bad boy, said, “I am not a role model.” Professional athletes have often been held to higher standards than people in the general population because of their visibility and high salaries. The paradigm for athletes has always been clean–cut, upstanding, and ethically superior. Before media coverage of every athlete’s action became so pervasive, it is likely that those athletes did not always behave well in private or in public, but nobody knew about their bad acts. Parent held athletes up as examples of the kinds of people they wanted their children to become. After all, to reach the ranks of the pros, athletes had to be dedicated to their sport.

Children were led to believe that, if they adopted the work ethic and character of professional athletes, they, too, could become supremely successful. When Americans discovered that professional athletes have feet of clay, there was a huge outcry. Charles Barkley’s statement was followed by his declaring that parents should be role models for their children. That works well for children whose parents do set a good example, but to whom do the others turn for lessons in good character? Certainly, not to Tiger Woods, whose string of infidelities led to pain and embarrassment for his family, nor to Ron Artest, who engaged in a brawl with a fan during a basketball game.

When the people of the United States became disenchanted with the direction that government was taking during the most recent Bush administration, a young senator from Illinois took up the challenge to lead this country using the mantra of change. Barack Obama declared, “We can do it!” Since his election, the global economy has become precarious, and people in the US are unemployed and losing their homes to foreclosure. Citizens, once filled with hope for the future at the hands of this new president, have become disillusioned, and Barack Obama is no longer seen as the hero they hoped he would be. Basing the character of the United States on the promises made by its presidential candidates is therefore clearly a poor metric, as these candidates do not truly know what kind of change, they will be able to effect as President until they are elected into office. Additionally, candidates are likely to paint a picture of an idealized society during their campaigns, which may not reflect the current state of the society at the time.

What are more likely subjects of analysis to determine the character of a society are those institutions or ideas that are more permanent. Rather than looking at the people who have temporarily held the position of hero or role model, look at the form of government that has served a population. Read its constitution. Do they allow the fair and equal treatment of a nation’s citizenry? Are punishment and reward meted out in equal measure to citizens of all races, colors, creeds, and genders? The thread that runs through the history of a culture is a better indicator of that culture’s character.


Sample 2:

The character of a society is determined by the character of the people who form that society. A society idolizes certain men and women as its heroes and heroines depending on what these people have done for the society. These people may be politicians or they may have brought about a radical change in the way people live in that society. Irrespective of what they have done for the society, their characters cannot determine the character of the entire society as these people will have their own individual characteristics that cannot reflect the characters of all the people who are a part of that society. This is because each individual has his own perception about the things around him and this perception shapes his character. There may be some cases wherein people try to emulate their idols, but this does not mean that the entire society’s character can be understood by studying the character of its heroes and heroines.

The news channels and the newspapers are always following well-known people for a peep into their personal lives. Lady Diana was adored and loved by millions of people across the world. She was the idol of not only her country but also many other countries around the world. There have been numerous occasions where people have maligned her name by associating her with scandals even after her death. If these accusations are true, then do the societies that worship her have the same character? What about the heroes and heroines who are respected and loved for the characters that they portray in movies? It is a well known fact that the lives of models, actors and artists are laced with scandals and controversies. Some of them are known drug-addicts and others lead amorous lives. Does the society that idolizes these people have the same character? It would be wrong to assume that the society has the same character as it is an accepted fact that these people are liked for their values other than their characters. Therefore, it is not necessary that the entire society behaves in a manner similar to the people who are loved by the masses.

Another example is that of the political leaders who have been elected by the people of a country to lead them. If they have been elected because of their honesty and their patriotism, then does this mean that the entire society is honest? On the contrary, what if one of the politicians is corrupt and unscrupulous? Will this reflect the character of the people who have elected him? The people who have elected this particular politician may be conservative, honest and God-fearing, but it is unfortunate that the true character of the politician whom they have elected as their leader is hidden from them. Even if they can see his true form after he has already been elected, a close examination of his character would reveal a character that would be far from that of the society that has chosen him.

In view of the above, it can easily be concluded that the character of a society and that of the people idolized by the society are not related in any way whatsoever. There may be some cases wherein someone has tried to imitate the character of the person he considers a hero. However, on the whole, the character of a society is independent of the character of the people chosen as its heroes and heroines. In other words, the character of the heroes and heroines is not an indication of the character of the society that has chosen them.

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