GRE Issue Topic 41

GRE Issue Topic 41


The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

رشد روز افزون سرعت زندگی منجر به مشکلات بیشتر می شود تا اینکه آنها را حل کند.

پاسخی بنویسید که در آن درمورد موافقت یا مخالفت با این جمله بحث کنید و استدلال خود را درباره موضع گیری خود توضیح دهید. در توسعه و حمایت از موضع خود، باید روشهایی را در نظر بگیرید که طبق آن، این نظریه ممکن است درست باشد یا نباشد و توضیح دهید که این ملاحظات چگونه موضع شما را شکل می دهند.


  • جهان امروز آنقدر سریع پیش می‌رود که اگر نتوانید خود را با آن انطباق دهید ممکن است بسیاری از امکانات را از دست بدهید و یا آنها را نادیده بگیرید و در نتیجه مشکلاتی برای شما به وجود بیاید.
  • بسیاری از انسان ها قادر نیستند که خودشان را با سرعت بالای پیشرفت در تکنولوژی سازگار کنند و به همین علت دچار استرس می‌شوند که خود، مشکلات بیشتری را به وجود می‌آورد.
  • سرعت بالای زندگی در دنیای امروز موجب شده که اکثر جوامع نتوانند بین زندگی خانوادگی و شغلی، توازن برقرار کنند و به همین علت آمار طلاق ها و جدایی ها بالا رفته و روابط بین خانواده ها نیز به شدت کاهش پیدا کرده است.
  • عدم توازن بین تکنولوژی که به سریع تر شدن زندگی منجر شده، مشکلات متعددی را برای انسان‌ها به وجود آورده، از جمله اختلالات روانی، تمایل به خودکشی و غیره.
  • سرعت انجام کارها آنقدر بالا رفته که انسانها فرصت کافی برای اینکه از خودشان مراقبت کنند، ندارند. بسیاری از انسان ها از اینکه نمی توانند زمانی را در روز برای ورزش کردن یا ریلکس کردن اختصاص بدهند، شکایت می‌کنند اما چاره‌ای نیز برای آن وجود ندارد، چون همه چیز در جهان دیجیتال به سرعت پیش می رود و ما انسان ها مجبوریم خودمان را با آن هماهنگ کنیم.


  • سریع تر شدن زندگی و بالا رفتن سرعت پیشرفت در تکنولوژی موجب شده که ما انسانها سریعتر به اهدافمان دست پیدا کنیم. ما تقریباً می‌توانیم برای هر مشکلی که در زندگی داریم به سرعت یک راه‌حل پیدا کنیم و این به نفع ماست.
  • مدرنیزه شدن برای ما انسان ها اهمیت بسیار زیادی دارد چون استانداردهای زندگی ما را بالا می برد و می توانیم رفاه بیشتری داشته باشیم. انسان می تواند خود را با سرعت بالای زندگی نیز به تدریج سازگار کند بنابراین مزایای زندگی مدرن بیشتر از معایب آن است.
  • بالارفتن سرعت پیدا کردن راه حل، از بسیاری از جنبه ها برای ما انسان ها بسیار مفید واقع می‌شود. به عنوان نمونه، تا چند سال قبل اگر شخصی دچار حمله قلبی می شد، به علت کند بودن ارتباطات، حفظ زندگی او ممکن نبود اما اکنون با اختراع ماشین ها به عنوان مثال اورژانس، آن فرد به سرعت به بیمارستان منتقل شده و زندگی او نجات می یابد.


Restate the Issue:
In this case, the position is stated in the positive. It tells what the rapid pace of life does. Create a statement that expresses the issue in the negative.
In other words:
The increasingly rapid pace of life does not solve more problems than it causes.
You could also determine what question the statement answers.
What are the results of the increasingly rapid pace of life?
Creating a question may help you formulate alternative answers.
Now think about the parts of the original statement that provide evidence that you can refute or affirm.
a) increasingly – This implies that the pace of life is more rapid than it used to be, and that the rate is still increasing.
b) today – This may lead to the assumption that the pace of life did not increase before now, that it is a current phenomenon.
c) more – This is a comparative word and is almost always followed by 'than'. In this case, there are more problems than solutions.

Opposing viewpoint:
The increasingly rapid pace of life does not cause more problems than it solves.
Or: The increasingly rapid pace of life today solves more problems than it causes.
Identify the parts of the opposing statement that provide evidence to affirm or refute.
In this case, they would be the same as in the original statement.

Is there any other way to look at this statement? What would life today be like if the pace were slower? Is this a new phenomenon?

New viewpoint:
The increasingly rapid pace of life today is exciting for those who embrace it but overwhelming for those who do not adapt.
Identify parts of the new statement that can create evidence for you to refute or affirm.
a) exciting – This can also mean stimulating. The rapid pace of life may stimulate one's creativity or sense of adventure.
b) embrace – To embrace something is to accept it willingly. Embrace has a positive connotation.
c) overwhelm – Being overwhelmed means that one's abilities or emotions are unable to handle an event.
d) adapt – Adaptation is essential to the theory of evolution. Those who fail to adapt do not thrive.
The increasingly rapid pace of life today creates both obstacles and opportunities.

Examples of obstacles:
a) Some people feel compelled to try to keep up with everything. They stretch themselves too thin.
b) Cultures are losing their unique qualities thanks to rapid travel and communication.
c) The rapid pace tries people's ability to adapt.
Examples of opportunities:
a) Medical research is closing in on cures for deadly and debilitating diseases.
b) The world has become a global village thanks to rapid travel and communication.

Sample 1:

Since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, people have complained about the pace of change and bemoaned the “good old days". In the beginning, man and horsepower were replaced in the fields and on the roads by machines that could perform tasks more quickly and efficiently. Men who were no longer needed in the fields found work in the factories building the machines that had taken their places. Communication kept pace with automation. The telegraph gave way to the telephone, and, when the Atlantic cable was laid, communication with other continents became possible. Man discovered the ability to travel above the earth, and, eventually, people could cross the oceans in a matter of hours rather than weeks. Men and women around the world seized the opportunity to take advantage of these changes and believed that, if they built a better mousetrap, the world would beat a path to their doors.

Some retreated from this progress, seeing all of this technology as a distraction from the true meaning of life. Some, like Thoreau, did it for philosophical reasons, and others, like the Amish, did it for religious reasons. Others could not afford to participate in this revolution and continued to survive using their wits. Pockets of resistance exist to this day, populated by survivalists who see the advances of the late twentieth and early twenty first century as signs of impending doom. These groups are heavily armed and supplied with sufficient provisions to fight off and holdout against those who, they are convinced will someday attack them. Others have taken a gentler approach and simply desire to live by the sweat of their own brows.

The conundrum remains. Does one accept and attempt to keep pace with change, or does one retreat from change and adhere to a simpler philosophy? The downside of the rapid pace is reflected in the busy lives that family members lead, leaving little time to spend “quality” time together. Couples with children frequently maintain a giant calendar in the kitchen on which they keep track of each person’s daily activities to schedule who must be where and when. Mothers and fathers separately take their children to before–school practices and after–school or weekend games, recitals or other competitions. Children play at least one sport per season, take dance or karate classes, belong to Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, and work at a part–time job. Amid these activities, they must complete school work. Rarely are all family members at home at the same time except to sleep. It’s a rat race.

On the upside are the advances that benefit humans. The rapid pace of medical research has led to successful treatments for a variety of deadly and/or debilitating diseases. It was not so long ago that a cancer diagnosis was a death sentence. Today, many cancers are curable, and lives have been extended. Smallpox has been eradicated, and vaccines exist that promise the same end for diseases that used to scar or kill those who contracted them. A future free of cervical cancer can only be promising for the women of the world. Advances in communication have made knowledge of new discoveries readily available around the world. Ultimately, individuals must discriminate between activities and advances that enhance their lives. The problems created by the increasingly rapid pace of life today are likely created by the choices that individuals make for themselves.


Sample 2:

The pace of life is increasing manifold since the past two decades. As our lives become more comfortable, they become more complicated as well. I agree with the author’s statement that our pace of life today is the reason for many problems, even though this pace has made us more comfortable.

Contrast the lives we are leading to those of our ancestors. The complete way of living has undergone a transformation. Not only are our lives more dependent on gadgets, but also our daily routines, eating habits, priorities, aspirations, expectations, values, everything is changing at a very swift pace. If we take a minute to ponder over it, we ourselves would be amazed at how our lives have secretly changed. When we were younger, there were snail-paced means of communication, limited sources of knowledge, traveling was more time consuming, lesser financial security, fewer gadgets, lesser planning etc. Alternatively, our childhood was more carefree, our parents had more time for us, our education system was less complicated, the competition was less in every sphere etc.

The increase in pace is due to many factors that are interrelated. Development in technology is the core factor responsible for this. It has led to improvement in communication and hence globalization; the world is smaller and closer than it ever was. Nonetheless, can globalization be the only reason why our lives are so different? Certainly not. The other key factors responsible for the present situation are increased sense of insecurity and competition among people. We are insecure in terms of finance, health, property, employment, relationships etc. Couple with this insecurity, our sense of competition. We are constantly trying to outdo others and gain an edge over them. Be it our friends, colleagues, family members, neighbors, anyone. We are constantly racing against time to rise higher, earn more, have a better standard of living, and have more of everything. In fact, the more we gain, the more we bother about securing it. This is the vicious circle of our present day fast-paced lives.

The aspect of our lives that is the most affected because of this is our own health. The changes in our lifestyles leave no room for exercise, recreation and indulgence. There is seldom any time to relax and even if there is any, thanks to mobile phones and laptops, we are rarely out of reach and out of occupation. How many times have you socialized with friends without receiving any unexpected call to interrupt conversations? Sadly, our bodies cannot keep pace with these changes. Besides an alarming increase in chronic diseases, there is a lot of stress that people face in their lives. Though the average life expectancy has increased, it is basically medicines on which our populations are surviving.

Along with physical ailments, our minds are getting increasingly corrupted. Humility, cooperation, patience, tolerance, truthfulness, selflessness; such qualities are hardly innate now. People have to consciously make efforts to inculcate such traits, where they were an integral part of our values in the past. When it comes to children, parents are happier to see their child competing to be the best rather than becoming a good human being. Since it is money that matters now, people are directing their energies in one direction only. It is work, competition and success all around us with our lives more comfortable yet more intricate.

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